Thursday, July 19, 2018

Monday, July 16 through Tuesday, July 31: More Bend, Departure, Hiker Pick-up, Back Home again

Every Monday, the pickleball players have a 4:00 p.m. Happy Hour in the Family Lodge. Sandra Smith was the host, but everyone brought a dish to share. There were probably about 20 of us! Some of the folks were people I have known over the years, and some were new friends.
Some of the familiar folks were Barb and Joe Clark. They just arrived at the park. So, the next morning, it was fun to get some pickleball games in with the two of them. They recently purchased a park model at Voyager RV Park in Tucson. So, I know where they will be wintering!
That afternoon, the dogs and I were walking in the park. We came across another mule deer doe and her fawn. Cute!
That night, there was a beautiful sunset. We had a few light showers too.
On Wednesday, Wendy and Kai came to Thousand Trails. Tom and I gave them some pickleball lessons. They used my two extra paddles. It was their first time on any pickleball court! It was fun!
We then loaded the bikes and headed to Sunriver Resort. We parked at the lodge and took a loop --- maybe five miles --- to the airport, marina, and back again.
After the ride, we had lunch at the lodge restaurant.

Tom and I came back home. It was going to be a long day. I took a 45 minute cat nap. We were meeting Carol and Terry Thomas at their home in Sunriver at 5:30 p.m. Terry and Richard were fraternity brothers at UCLA. Carol and Terry retired to Sunriver in 1999. This was my third visit to their beautiful home.
After some adult beverages, we headed to the Sunriver Village to have dinner at Marcello's Cucina Italiana. It is a favorite of Carol and Terry. Excellent food and service! It is also fun because Carol and Terry, as regulars, know the staff. Local flavor for sure!

Thursday was a calm day. No pickleball, no visitors, no planned activities. It was very nice. Of course, walking dogs is always on the docket. For dinner, we used various items in the refrigerator and pantry to make a pasta dish for dinner. Just enjoyed the day and our site near the family lodge.
On Friday, we decided to visit nearby Lava Butte of the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. Carol Thomas said that the shuttle ride to the top had great views. She was so right!
The last time this area had volcanic activity was 7,000 years ago. This aerial photo is amazing.
We took the tram to the top, but Tom and I walked down the road to the Visitor Center. It was about 1 3/4 miles.

That evening, we met Wendy and Kai for dinner at CHI Restaurant in Bend. We participated in an happy hour with great sushi, Chinese food appetizers, and adult beverages.
This would be the final visit with Wendy and Kai this trip to Bend.

Saturday morning, the dogs were walked and put into the trailer. Tom and I were heading on a road trip west. Our first stop was Five Pine Lodge. Both Beverly Garcia and Cathy Charles were working that day. I worked with both at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in 2008 and 2009.
We drove through the center of Sisters and ended at Black Butte Ranch. I knew some pickleball players who live there --- winters in Palm Desert and summers there. The public areas are accessible, but the homes are behind gates. It is too snooty and too isolated for me!
There was an open air market near the Black Butte General Store. We picked up some fresh vegetables for dinner that night.
Sunday was our departure day. We could have stayed another week, but the dogs are ready to go home and Tom's son is ready to be picked up. Jon completed over half of the Pacific Crest Trail, but wild fires near Yosemite are out of control and the smoky conditions are unhealthy.

We departed Thousand Trails at about 9:30 am. Our next stop is Susanville, California. We decided to take an Oregon Scenic Byway, highway 31. It only added thirty minutes to our commute
And, it was scenic!
We arrived at the Susanville RV Park at about 4:30 pm. It was hot, in the high 90s. The dogs were not excited about additional walks, so we used the dog run. Tom and I were too hot to cook. So, we called for delivery pizza from the local Pizza Factory.
We didn't empty the gray and black tanks after leaving Sunriver, so Tom used this stop to empty the tanks.

The next morning, we left Susanville and headed south to Nevada. We drove over 2 1/2 hours to pick up Jon in Gardnerville, Nevada. It was hot, in the low 100s. Jon had an Enterprise rental car to turn in. Before doing so, Tom and Jon made a lunch run to Taco Bell. Can you say parking lot picnic?
Jon will complete the Pacific Crest Trail another year --- with Oregon and Washington remaining.

The dogs were hot, so I found some grass and shade.
Ramsey saddled up to a fire hydrant. Over the past few days, his back legs have been acting up. When he is agitated, he is not easy to handle. I called Cinder Hills Kennel and made a reservation for Ramsey in October. We are taking a 4,000+ mile road trip to Austin, Knoxville, and Indianapolis. The girls are easier to travel with and they will join us on this trailer trek.
We proceeded to head southeast to Tonopah. We had reservations to spend the night in an RV park on Highway 395. The temperature was a little cooler there. We arrived to the RV park in the north end of Tonopah at about 4:00 pm. Initially, our intention was to not unhook the truck from the trailer. But we decided to have a real dinner meal at a local brewery restaurant.
We noticed that the truck was running hot since picking up Jon. The idiot light was suggesting that the coolant was low. So the next morning, Tom and Jon bought more coolant at a Tonopah rest stop before continuing our southeast trip.
The day's temperatures were going to be in the 100s, so the best bet was to make it all the way home. We had 428 miles to go.

Unfortunately, drama crept into our journey. Something was very wrong with the truck. It was seriously overheating, causing us to drive without the air conditioner and the windows open. Can you say it was 116 degrees in Las Vegas? In Kingman, we exited the highway, parked at a museum, and put more coolant in the engine. The dogs sat in some shade and hoped for relief.
I called my mechanic, James at JJs Automotive in Williams. An appointment was made for the truck. We did make it home --- another 113 miles --- but without air conditioning. Since Tom and Jon were such troopers with my sick truck, I bought them dinner at Rod's Steakhouse that night.

The next morning, I took the dogs on a walk to Cataract Lake. Ramsey, Kelsey, and Libby were glad to be home. It was at Cataract Lake that I took a beautiful photo of the lake and the clouds.
The rest of the day was dedicated to taking food and personal items out of the trailer. We also made a trip to Safeway, to restock the refrigerator and pantry.

On Thursday, I took the truck in to JJs Automotive. Tom and Jon decided to wash the trailer before it was put back in the RV barn.
I stopped by the Williams Gym, Results Fitness Center. For the past six months, I have been nagged with four, six, to even eight extra pounds. I decided it was time to get back into shape, so I joined the gym! Although I walk the dogs five miles a day, I need more of a challenge.
With my membership, I can attend as many fitness classes as I want. When I exercise, I prefer to be told what to do --- the "simple Simon says" type of workout.

On Friday, James called me. Indeed my truck was sick. I have had a slow oil leak for a number of years. It finally needed to be seriously addressed. James told me that my truck was TOTALLY without oil. That is what caused the overheating. He has to replace the entire belly of the truck's engine. That repair will stop the leak and remedy the situation. Fortunately, the tab was just under $1,000!!!
The part will come in on Monday and James will call me when my truck is ready to come home.

Friday night, we had pork ribs for dinner. I decided to not attend the Highland Meadows potluck dinner that evening. But, I learned that ribs were being served, so we had some too! The next morning, I was advised that Tom and I slept through a big commotion in our neighborhood --- with numerous highway patrol cars and a surveillance helicopter.

On Sunday, Tom and I took Jon out to the Williams Elementary/Middle School tennis courts to play pickleball. Jon picked up the game quickly. He is an athlete and a good ping pong player. Pickleball is a life-size version of ping pong. Welcome to pickleball, Jon!

Monday was an errand day for me in Flagstaff. I also had a hair appointment with Shawna. While I was waiting for my color to set, she had another client come in for a cut and blow dry.
After my hair appointment, I drove back to Williams. James at JJs Automotive had my car ready. He said that it was good to go, but that the oil leak had been very messy. He suggested that I take the truck on a dirt road to try to get the oil out of the underneath cavities. A 90 minutes massage with Natanya was also on my docket!

Later that Monday afternoon was a very peculiar day in our little Highland Meadows community. Apparently the Friday night commotion was not resolved that evening. The two people who had a stolen a car  and had been chased by the highway patrol into our neighborhood were not apprehended Friday night. The authorities thought that they had left the area. But, no! They broke into a home shed and hid out for several nights. Then, Sunday night, they broke into an unoccupied vacation home and spent the night.
Monday afternoon, they tried to steal an old pickup truck, but were unsuccessful. Then, they found a blue Lincoln sedan in the garage of my neighbor with keys in the ignition. That became their getaway car!

The local authorities never shared with the community that the perpetrators were not caught. They didn't want to cause concern. Certainly not the right decision! My neighbor Connie's car was found several days later in Bakersfield. It was in good condition, but the keys were missing. Of course, Connie felt better cleaning the car thoroughly, inside and out!
Tuesday, I met up with six of the Highland Meadows ladies for breakfast at Pine Country Restaurant. Of course, we were all a buzz about Monday's activities!

Libby and I excused ourselves an hour into the breakfast rendezvous. We had pickleball! Jon joined us once again.
We have enough pickleball players now that we have two courts set-up. It is always a good two hour activity.

After pickleball, I washed my truck. It was ready to be cleaned!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sunday, July 1 through Sunday, July 15: Local Activities, Road Trip to Oregon, Fun in Sunriver/Bend

The Williams Elementary/Middle school where we have been playing indoor pickleball is resurfacing the gymnasium. Tom and I decided to buy some chalk and create pickleball lines on one of the outdoor tennis courts. We were successful, and we invited Libby and Gus Beatty to come play with us Sunday morning. Although it was windy, we had fun!
Monday was my hair appointment and Flagstaff errands. Tom had his truck serviced at Jiffy Lube while I my hair was cut and colored. I was finished before Tom, so I walked a block to a street fair by the City Hall. And, wouldn't you know it, I found several things to purchase!
Tuesday morning, Tom, Libby, Gus, and I played pickleball on the chalked tennis court once again. This day, it was REALLY windy. So, we only played for an hour.
We leave on Thursday, July 5 for a vacation in Oregon. So, the trailer was pulled out of the RV barn and we started packing it later in the afternoon. Mark Burson and his three Australian shepherds were making their trek from Oxford, Mississippi, to Malibu. He and the dogs were going to spend Wednesday, July 4, at our home. So, we decided to get the trailer ready for departure early. Mark and the dogs arrived at about 11:00 am on Wednesday.
On Mark's last visit, we realized that his dogs and our dogs could hang out together. That made it easy!

We had barbecued hamburgers and beer bratwursts for an early dinner. Then, Tom, Mark, and I went to town to watch the 6:00 pm 4th of July parade down the main street of Williams. Our main street is part of historic Route 66.
The parade was festive, but again, hokey. Neighbor Shaula and her German shepherd, Issy, were in the parade.
There were also homemade floats and decorated fire trucks.
Wendy and Kai are already at their Bend home. We will be seeing them soon. But, it was fun viewing an Instagram post of them --- all decked out for the 4th of July.
Thursday morning, Mark and his dogs left for Los Angeles around 3:00 a.m. Mark always likes to beat the heat of the Mohave desert, between Needles and Barstow. Tom, the dogs, the trailer, and I left on a three week RV trip at about 9:30 a.m. Our first stop was Beatty, Nevada. Can you say hot, hot, hot?!? It was over 105 degrees.
I tried to walk the dogs in some shade, but it was scarce. We heated up left-overs for dinner from yesterday's barbecue.

We got an early start Friday morning. It was another 340 mile day --- ending in Reno. I reserved an RV site at Bordertown Casino and RV Resort, north of Reno on Highway 395. It was a very nice facility --- all pull-thru sites, green grass, shade trees, and a large dog park. Tom and I had dinner in the casino restaurant. No cooking tonight! On the final dog walk of the day, I captured a beautiful sunset photo.
Klamath Falls, Oregon, was our next stop. It was only a 225 mile trip on Saturday. We reserved a long pull-thru site at a KOA Campground. The campground had a "no vacancy" sign at the check-in building. Glad I made reservations!
Over the years, I learned that it was important to get to a Thousand Trails park early in the day --- maybe by 11:00 a.m. While reservations are assured, the sites are all "first come, first served." With that said, we only had a 120 mile day to get to the Sunriver/Bend Thousand Trails RV Resort. It is a very large park --- over 800 acres --- and 317 RV sites. We found a nice site near the family lodge, the pools, and the pickleball courts.

My sister Wendy, and her husband Kai, hosted dinner that night at their recently built second home in Bend. My sister Carrie, and her husband Brent, cooked the meal. It was a very nice meat pasta, green salad, and cake for dessert.
Carrie and Brent drove up to Bend from their home in Coto de Caza. It was a two-day trip --- about 900 miles. They love the Bend area and are house guests at Wendy and Kai's home for a little over a week.
Brent's brother, Greg, and his wife and family were also in Bend for a week. It was nice to see all of them, too.
Wendy and Kai's home is beautiful --- a Frank Lloyd Wright modern architecture. While the home is finished, they are still working on the landscaping.
The Thousand Trails park is very wooded. I spent an hour or so trying to get the DirecTV satellite to work. Not happening! The good news is there is strong cell phone and data service coverage. Monday night, Wendy invited Tom and I to meet for dinner at the 900 Wall Restaurant. It was the six of us --- three "Shelton" sisters and spouses/significant others.
The food was delicious! After dinner, we walked a block to a wonderful gelato shop, Bonta. And of course, we sampled the merchandise!
The next morning, the dogs and I took an early morning walk on the Bend-Sunriver preserve. They like the vastness of the property --- over 600 acres.
I played some pickleball at 9:00 a.m. Several of my longtime friends in the Thousand Trails system are at this park right now. So, it is fun to gather for morning pickleball!
After pickleball, Tom and I did some sightseeing in Bend. We drove to the Old Mill District, parked the truck, and walked along the Deschutes River. In a few days, we will be tubing down the river with my sister Wendy and several of her friends.
We had lunch at Anthony's Restaurant on the waterfront. We walked over a bridge and headed back to the truck on the other side of the river. We saw a white water shoot created for the floaters several years ago.
Sometime in the last 30 days, the truck received a chip in the front windshield. While we were settled for several weeks, it seemed appropriate to have it fixed. I called my insurance company and The Ugly Chip service was called. An appointment was made that afternoon and the problem was taken care of!
On Thursday, Tom and I drove a 90 mile loop from Sunriver, to the Cascades Lake Parkway, a lunch stop at Elk Lake Resort and Marina, and then back through Bend. I have been to Elk Lake before. The resort has a nice restaurant and a lovely view of the lake and Mt. Bachelor. It was all so very civilized and fun!
On Thursday, we met at Wendy's home around 1:00 p.m. There, we met up with two of Wendy's friends --- Denise and Elizabeth. It was decided that our truck would be a good way to transport the five tubes to the river. Done!
We parked the truck near a large dog park and launched the tubes into the Deschutes.
It was a lot of fun floating down the river for about 90 minutes.
When we finally took the tubes out of the river, there was a municipal shuttle that took us back to parking lot where our truck was parked. The cost of the shuttle was $3.00 per person and a bracelet could be used for the entire day. For us, we were only doing the float trip the one time.
On Friday, we knew that it was time to dump our gray and black tanks. At this Thousand Trails park, there is no sewer hookups at the 317 sites. Also, since I have been unsuccessful in getting a satellite signal for DirecTV, it seemed appropriate to move to another location where I might have satellite success. So, after we drove to the sewer dump station, we moved a few sites down --- from site L-1 to site L-8.
I also purchased a 50' coax cable to take the dish to an open field. My 25' cable was not long enough. And yes, the DirecTV finally worked!
The day was very hot --- nearly 100 degrees. Neither Tom and I were inclined to cook. So, we took advantage of a food truck at the entrance of the park. Panini Pizza to the rescue! And, it was very good.
The next morning, I got up early to get to Wendy's home by 7:45 a.m. Several of us lady folk were going to the 43rd Annual Outdoor Quilt Show in nearby Sisters. I have always wanted to attend this international affair. This small town of 2,000 residents swells to 12,500 on the second Saturday of July each year. So,Wendy, Denise, and I headed over there. The traffic was backed up the last 20 minutes of the drive. But, we made it!
Throughout the entire town, quilts are on display and hanging from all the buildings.
As a dog lover, I enjoyed the comedy of one quilt in particular. But, no Dalmatians!
Most of the quilts are for sale and part of the sale proceeds funds a local non-profit that supports the Sisters community.

Our next stop was FivePine Lodge in Sisters. When I worked at Bright Angel Lodge, Bev Garcia was my front desk manager. Three and one-half years ago, she started working at this four star resort. It was fun to see her!
One of my long-time friends, Craig Apregan and his wife Pattie, retired from Los Angeles about ten years ago and bought the beautiful Black Diamond Ranch between Sisters and Bend. On this property, they built a magnificent home on top of the hill overlooking the ranch property. Craig and Pattie are on vacation in Europe, but we drove up to their home for a photo opportunity.
The next stop was Bendistillery. There was a tasting room right off Highway 20. Wendy, Denise, and I tasted some of their vodka blends. Cheers!
Our final stop was Snow Diamond Alpaca Ranch. Those Alpacas are so cute!
That evening, our RV park had live entertainment from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bryan Keith from Yuma, Arizona. Tom and I took our lawn chairs, and we danced to some of his country hits. It was a nice evening!
Sunday morning, the dogs and I met up with some local park fauna on a forest walk. The deer are very puzzled by the white dogs with black spots. Two fawns had scurried away earlier.

Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...