Saturday, March 20, 2021

Friday, March 12 to Wednesday, March 31, 2021: March Madness and other Things

I had an manicure appointment with Jennifer at 66 Spa. After my appointment, Jennifer and her family are driving to Chicago to visit Jennifer's sister. It was fun capturing a photo of Jennifer and Bella, her six year old daughter.
David and Donna rented an Airstream Basecamp trailer last year. They enjoyed the experience so much that they bought one. Delivery was today. It is a 16 foot compact trailer.
Since they live in Park City winter snow country, they headed off to Southern Idaho for their first trip. They stayed at several Harvest Host wineries.
They enjoyed a bike ride along the Snake River.
Considering Donna's Dad and I enjoyed an RV lifestyle for over 12 years, it is fun that David and Donna have joined the RV recreational use Fan Club. Donna's brother Rick and his family became RV fans several years ago.

In Williams, we received 1 1/2 inches of fresh snow. It did not last long, but made for a nice walk in the neighborhood.
On Sunday, we received more snow --- about 4 1/2 inches. Tom got the snowblower out to clear the driveway.
While winter is here, Tom and I like the fact that Arizona does not honor daylight savings. So, we did not have to change our clocks!

On Monday, Gabe the plumber came back to complete the project to replace the Potable Expansion Tank for the water heater. Thank you, Gabe!
Later in the afternoon, I had an appointment in Flagstaff for my annual mammogram. Their waiting area had the Covid-19 separation in full force. I'll be so glad when all of this is over!
That night --- after dinner --- Kelsey and Jamie decided to pose handsomely for a photo. My fur babies are so cute!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀🍀🍀 First thing in the morning, I noticed some clouds draped over the top of Bill Williams Mountain.
Tom and I both had medical televisits with doctors. Tom had a phone video call with Dr. Wong. I had a follow-up with Dr. Laura Wade to go over some lab work and renew some prescriptions.
Tom and I decided to celebrate St. Paddy's Day with lunch at the Wild West Junction. Tom ordered the restaurant special --- corn beef and cabbage. I had a Cobb salad. Our neighbor Gus joined us too.
After lunch, I had a nice walk in the neighborhood to Cataract Lake.
On Thursday, I took another walk in my neighborhood --- on streets that wind around the golf course. I never tire of seeing the snow covered Mt. Humphreys.
I also took a nice photo of Bill Williams Mountain.
Both of these mountain photos have the Elephant Rocks Golf course in the foreground. The public golf course is closed in the winter months.

That evening, Tom joined Kelsey, Jamie, and me for a walk around the block.
On Friday, I took the dogs up to the "North 40" area of Highland Meadows. Over the past couple of years, there has been an explosion of new homes built there. When I first moved to Williams in 2014, there were only five homes built. There are now at least forty homes built. I was still able to capture a photo of Mt. Humphreys over the tree tops.
On Saturday, Tom and I drove down a nearby forest road. We parked and walked up a hill --- looking for shed. There were beautiful clouds and some very nice views.

While we found no antlers (shed), it was a very pleasant walk.
Sunday afternoon, I took the dogs to town. We parked the truck by the Safeway and we walked up to Buckskinner City Park. I wasn't able to easily tie the dogs up for a picture of them by the lake. It was a location where many people fish in the spring, summer, and fall. For the dogs, there were too many "fish parts and fish smell" distractions. So, I took a photo without them.
On Monday morning --- while I was playing pickleball --- Twin Peaks Glass came to my home and replaced the foggy window. The glass company has a cash discount. The price of the new window increased 45% since May of last year. I inquired and was told that it was due to increases in materials since Covid-19! When the work was completed, Tom was kind enough to give them the envelop of cash.
In the afternoon, I had a 90 minute massage with Natanya. She is so good for my body!
Tuesday morning, we woke up to another three more inches of snow. Since it was still snowing, I put the dog jackets on Kelsey and Jamie.
My sister Wendy texted me a photo of a car message about voting for the President who gave up his wealth for our country --- not the man who gave up our country for his wealth. Crazy times!
The snow pattern this winter has been different. We have been getting 3-4 inches of snow every week. There was only one deep snow in January. Here is a photo of Wurgler's Meadow in our neighborhood.
Tom joined us again for a late afternoon walk --- my "boys."
On Thursday, Tom and I drove down to Chino Valley to meet Priscilla and Roger Lasch for lunch. We met at the Bonn Fire Restaurant.
Tom and Roger had liver and onions. Priscilla had chicken parmesan. I had beef sliders with sweet caramelized onions. We ordered off their Rite Bite entree menu. Perfect amount of food for lunch!
On Friday, I had some lab work done at the North Country HealthCare in Williams. Jamaica drew my blood.
Saturday morning, we received about two inches of fresh snow. But, the sun was shining and it did not last long.
Later in the morning, Jon came by the house. He is heading out on Sunday for at least three months. Jon and his hiking partner are doing some long-distance hiking in Alabama and Georgie. They are doing the Pinhoti Trail and the Benton MacKaye Trail. Tom took out his Kaibab National Forest map and Jon showed him some good places to look for shed while Jon is gone.
It is always nice capturing a photo of father and son.
Jon also bid farewell to Jamie and Kelsey.
Saturday afternoon, we were invited to play cards at our neighbor Gus Beatty's home. Another couple, Darcy and Gary, came too. Gus set up an assortment of luncheon meats, cheese slices, dips and chips. It was a fun afternoon! Darcy and Gary will be headed back to Minnesota on Thursday. We have enjoyed playing pickleball with them this winter.
My friend from Sunriver, Oregon --- Carol Thomas --- shared this photo of the first 60 days of the Biden Administration. Tragic...
On Monday, Tom was going to Flagstaff for several appointments. He decided that it was time to have his oil changed. I googled JiffyLube coupons and uncovered a fantastic deal!
The manager at the Flagstaff JiffyLube told Tom that he had never seen a savings of this much!

On Wednesday, Tom and I drove out to Jon's home. Jon had a package delivered to his front door. I had not been out to Jon's house for a long time. It was almost three years ago that I saw the "For Sale By Owner" sign on the property. It is a cute 650 square foot home on an acre of land. There are several other small buildings on the property. It is perfect for a 40+ year old bachelor!
Once every three months, Jesse --- from Atomic Pest Control --- sprays inside and outside the house. It is greatly reduced the amount of spiders.
Over the past several years, Tom and I have noticed that several bats like to "sleep" under the rafters of our front porch. I mentioned it to Jesse in October. There is a preventative way to "scare off" the bats. Jesse installed the eight small devices on this service call.
Each container has a gel inside. Apparently, the bats think that the gel is emitting fire. Jesse said that this procedure should work for several years. We hope so!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Friday, February 19 to Thursday, March 11, 2021: Life in Northern Arizona and a Birthday Celebration

I had a manicure and pedicure on Friday. Jennifer always does a great job! Saturday morning was pickleball. There were eight of us --- two courts active.
After pickleball, I had a ZOOM call with the Northern Arizona Republican Precinct Committeeman. I am volunteering to be a precinct committeeman in my Highland Meadows neighborhood. It is Williams Precinct 98.
The call went well until my computer froze up. I had to leave the ZOOM meeting after an hour. Next time, I need to use Tom's computer.
On Sunday, Tom, and I met Jon off Devil Dog Road. We parked Tom's Subaru there and we hopped into Jon's Jeep Rubicon.
 Jon had a place he wanted to walk --- where last year he saw a herd of Elk. Jon led the way.
Tom forgot his phone --- which has the vehicle usage map of the Kaibab National Forest. So, we tried to visually keep together. There was more snow and mud than I expected.
That same day, my sister Wendy and her husband Kai took my sister Kimberly out to lunch in Palm Desert. Kim moved to Palm Springs last year.
My sister Carrie and her husband Brent posted an Instagram photo from Atlanta, Georgia.
My nephew Blake was celebrating a birthday with his wife Nicole, his sister Lauren, Mom Carrie, and Dad Brent.

Monday morning, there were six of us who played pickleball.
Later in the afternoon, I had a 90 minute massage appointment with Natanya Nagy at Gods Gift of Healing Hands.
Jon has a new project. He bought a 1989 Dodge Charger truck for $4,000 to tinker with and use in the woods.
Tuesday afternoon, I had a telemedicine appointment with Dr. Laura Wade. It was a ZOOM call format, so I used Tom's computer. Dr. Wade is a new physician at the North Country Healthcare in Williams. My former medical provider left the clinic, so I wanted to establish a new relationship with Dr. Wade.
Later in the day, a Rotech Healthcare technician from Prescott delivered Tom a new piece for his BiPAP sleeping machine. Such service!
Wednesday morning, Tom had an ultrasound procedure in Flagstaff. I had a conflicting appointment, so Jon took Tom to Flagstaff and they later went driving and walking in the woods. Twin Peaks Glass came to the house to took at a cloudy duel pane window that needs to be replaced.
They measured the window and would be giving me an estimate. I had to replace a similar window last May.  I knew that Tom would probably be late coming home, so I streamed the movie Sicario through Red Box.
It was an excellent movie about the Mexican Cartel. Since Joe Biden is reopening the southern border, there has been a lot of talk about the border, human trafficking, and illegal immigration.

On Thursday, I walked around nearby Cataract Lake. It was a beautiful day.
Thursday was also the start of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida.  I just watched the highlights.
On Friday, I walked in the neighborhood and noticed the beauty of Mt. Humphreys. 
Later in the afternoon, the new garage lights arrived. Tom ordered them on Amazon. These new lights are LED and will replace the old florescent lights.
Mounting the new lights was handled by Tom. I did help him install the first one. These new lights are very light, but very bright. Thank you, Tom!
There was a full moon early Saturday morning. The light from the moon was shinning through our sitting room blinds.
There was no pickleball on Saturday. The barn was reserved by another group. So, Tom and I went to Prescott. It is about a 65 minute drive. We parked near the historic part of town and walked around Courthouse Plaza, the town square.
Prescott was the territorial capital of Arizona from 1864 to 1867. The territorial capital was then moved to Tucson. The historical area of the town is very colorful.
After walking a mile or so, we drove a few minutes to a favorite restaurant, Augie's, for lunch. I had a large grilled artichoke with Aioli sauce and Tom had delicious fish and chips.
Tom and I enjoyed a leisurely afternoon drive back home. On Sunday, President Trump spoke at CPAC. He is quite the orator. It was a great speech!
Monday afternoon, I walked the dogs in town. It is fun living in a small town with the history of Route 66.
Tuesday afternoon, I had two appointments is Flagstaff. The first one was picking up my new prescription sunglasses. The frames of my old sunglasses broke last month. And, my prescription changed slightly.
The second appointment was at Canyon Pet Hospital with Kelsey. It was her monthly acupuncture appointment with Dr. Amstutz. Somehow, Kelsey lost one of her dew claws several days ago. She seemed to be more sensitive during the session.
Wednesday was no pickleball, as the elementary school has the Rodeo Barn every Wednesday morning. I went to the North Country Healthcare to have my blood drawn. Dr. Wade requested a blood panel for me. Colleen came to clean our house. Poor thing, she slipped and fell last month and broke her right wrist. She will have surgery next week.
That afternoon, Gabe --- the plumbing and heating fellow --- came to look at our potable expansion tank for the water heater. It has been leaking for several months. Gabe informed us that it needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, it is not covered by my American Home Shield policy.
Gabe will purchase a replacement for the expansion tank in a few days. After Gabe left, Tom and I went to lunch at the Wild West Junction. The relatively new owners of the complex have done a great job adding tasty food to their menu. In the winter months, the saloon/bar is where you dine.
Tom had their daily special of southern fried chicken. I had a cowboy chicken salad. Both were very good.

Thursday, we received 1 1/2 inches of fresh snow.
The book series of Dr. Seuss with cartoons and rhyming verses has been banned by Liberals. Somehow, it is politically incorrect.
The Democratic Legislature is passing another Coronavirus Spending Bill. This time it is for 1.9 trillion dollars. Only 9 percent of this huge expenditure is going to impacted Americans.
On Friday, a friend of mine shared a photo of rising gasoline prices. Way to go, Joe Biden --- cancelling the Keystone Pipeline project.
On Saturday, a package from Amazon arrived. It was a container of leather cleaner. Unfortunately, the top was no longer on the container and the sticky substance leaked out. Yes, this spoiled leather cleaner will be returned.
Tuesday morning, I dropped off the dogs at the Grand Canyon Railway Kennel. Kelsey and Jamie are staying there for two nights, as Tom and I are off to the Verde Valley for his 74th birthday celebration.
Tom does not know where we are going for his birthday. I finally hinted that it was the Verde Valley, so he could appropriately plan for clothing. Tom had to drop off his 3-day sleep study kit at the FedEx office in Flagstaff. So, we took 89A --- Oak Creek Canyon --- to Sedona. Once in Sedona, we drove down to the Village of Oak Creek. 
I had plans to eat lunch at Farm a GoGo in Cornville. But, they were closed for remodeling. So, we went to Old Town Cottonwood and ate lunch at Colt Grill.
Our table was on outside patio. There, a young man was cooking barbecue meats. Tom enjoyed a brisket sandwich with french fries. I had a Cobb Salad.
The Colt Grill Restaurant also had a nice bar area.
After lunch, we walked the three or four blocks of the Historic Old Town. Tom sat on a bench while I was using the restroom facilities of the Visitor Center.
It was now time to head to the town of Jerome. I finally had to tell Tom that we were spending two nights at the Jerome Grand Hotel.
This historic hotel was originally built as a hospital supporting all of the copper, gold, and silver mining efforts in the boom town of Jerome.

We had a beautiful Garden Room on the 3rd floor with a private sun porch. Tom is looking out one of the doors!
The Garden Room with the private sun porch had magnificent views of the valley below.
The Garden Room was lovely too.
That evening, we had dinner at the hotel's Asylum Restaurant. Happy Birthday, Tom!
I had a baseball Filet Mignon and Tom had their lamb chop special.
The food, drink, and service was excellent!

The next morning, I noticed that a film crew was in the Garden Room across the hall. Apparently, the Jerome Grand Hotel has resident ghosts. A documentary was being filmed by Texas company, Longhorn Paranormal. This was there fifth and final day of shooting.
Tom and I decided to do some sightseeing. We went to the Jerome State Historical Park. There, the Douglas Mansion is open to the public.
There were many exhibits and displays of Jerome in its mining heyday. We also watched a 30 minute video of the town history and ghost town elements.
For lunch, we went back into Cottonwood and dined at a local hangout --- Verde Lea Grill & Deli.
It was a fun "comfort food" experience.

That afternoon, I went walking around the town of Jerome. Our hotel certainly is a noticeable landmark, high on top of the hill.
That evening, we had cocktails in the Asylum Restaurant bar. The bartender made a great Old Fashion for Tom!
We had dinner once again in the restaurant. I had their King Crab Legs special and Tom had Roasted Duck. The food was excellent once again, but the service was subpar. The male server was not attentive as the female server was the night before. Too bad.

Thursday morning, we woke up to wet snow. Jerome's elevation is about 5200 feet. We had coffee and breakfast on our sun porch and leisurely began to pack up to head home. Bye-bye, Jerome Grand Hotel.
With slushy road conditions, we decided to head back to Williams over Mingus Mountain and through Prescott Valley. We were expected to pick up the dogs by 2:00 p.m. It was snowing lightly when we got home. By the end of the day, we only receive about 1 1/2 inches of snow.

Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...