Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Friday, July 21 through Thursday, August 17, 2023: Quick So Ca Visit, Baby Shower, Geocaching, Hot Tub Switchout

Friday morning, I headed to Southern California. There was a baby shower for my niece Katelyn on Saturday morning. Her baby girl has a due date of August 24. That is my mother's date of birth. Fun!
I made arrangements to stay at the home of my brother Peter and his wife Terry in San Gabriel. This is the first time I have stayed with them for over a year. They recently finished a remodel of their kitchen and second bathroom.

Friday afternoon, Terry and I went back to the two caches we couldn't find in December. The cache owner, TheLiuCrew, as been receptive to providing us with hints. We struck out again. So, I sent him a message that evening. He got back to me in an hour or so. Tomorrow is another day.

Terry and Peter are growing grape tomatoes in their back yard.
For dinner, Terry made an excellent pasta dish with home-grown tomatoes, pesto, and turkey sausage. Yummy! That evening, we watched TV with some of the LA Dodgers vs Texas Rangers baseball game and the FIFA Women's World Cup soccer --- the USA against Vietnam.

Saturday morning, Terry and I readied ourselves for the 10:30 a.m. baby shower in South Pasadena. We picked up Terry's mother Dudley at her home a few minutes away. The shower for my niece Katelyn Kuwata Wallace was at the home of Mimi Butler. It was a beautiful setting.

I enjoyed seeing Bev Blize Nickerson and Ann Fister.
My sister Kim drove in from 29 Palms to attend the shower. She is here in this photo with my two Kuwata nieces --- Kerry and Katelyn.
The brunch was very nice, with vegetable and meat quiches.

There were some nice photo opportunities with friends and family.

Katelyn's baby is going to be named Lily. Katelyn's paternal grandmother was Lilly --- but spelled differently. So sweet.

That afternoon, Terry had to host a real estate open house in Pasadena. Before Peter got home, I dropped by Dudley's home to see Molly and Sophie enjoy the pool. Sophie recently turned 3 years old.
When Peter came home, he and I took advantage of going geocaching. Cache owner, TheLiuCrew, gave me a good clue for the "Rose Ave over Rubio Wash" cache. I found the cache along the railing.

Peter and I then went to the "Got Junk?" cache location. The recent TheLiuCrew clue was that the cache was near the outside steel staircase. While Peter was talking to his wife on the phone, he found the very cleaver cache.
The cache was the sign PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING. An earlier cache person stated the "Orange is the new Black." Because of this statement, Peter found the cache. After my signature, the cache log was full. I gave this information to the cache owner. 
Peter and I went to look for a third cache, before heading home. I found the "What's Your Sign?" It was another TheLiuCrew cache.
Since this cache owner has 37 hidden caches in the nearby area, I decided that he must live near my brother and sister-in-law. It turns out the TheLiuCrew lives a few doors from Terry's brother Howdy on Gerona. What a small world!

Mexican food was in the cards for dinner that evening. Terry was able to get a 6:00 p.m. reservation at El Portal Mexican Restaurant in Pasadena. Dudley, Molly, and Sophie joined us there. El Portal was a favorite restaurant Richard and I used to frequent when we lived in Pasadena or we were visiting the area.
There was nice live music playing on the patio.
Sophie enjoys music and loves to dance, so she and her mother made a temporary dance floor.
On Sunday morning, it was time for me to drive back to Williams. Peter, Terry, and I had some breakfast. Then, Peter took a selfie of the three of us with some champagne and flute glasses. At the Boggs baby shower in May, some small bottles of champagne were given to the guests. They were to "uncork" the champagne when Cassie "uncorked." Madison Leigh Boggs was born on Wednesday, July 19. We texted the photo to the father, Jason.
Jason texted back a photo of his baby daughter.
The drive back to Williams was uneventful. It took me a little over six hours. It was a clear highway all the way home. That evening, we did get some monsoon activity.

When I last played pickleball on the Manley Racquet courts, my sunglasses fell off the bench and got scratched. It was in my left eye vision site. I had a hair appointment in Flagstaff on Monday. I left a little early and stopped by Flagstaff Vision. They take my "eyemed" insurance.
Even using my existing frames, the replacement lenses were $420.00. Ouch!
On Tuesday, I made the decision to contact KC HiLite and see if they were willing to authorize the placement of my cache on their private property. I stopped by the KC HiLite building. The representative suggested that I come back Wednesday morning when the general manager, Ron Pryczynski, was there. I checked the cache. All was good.
There was a cache in the forest off 124 that I was not able to find in October last year. I noticed that two geocache people found it last week. So, at about 7:00 a.m., I drove near the site, parked the truck, and walked to the cache location. This time, I found the "Totally Tubular Dude" cache.
There is another cache nearby. I did not find it last year as well. But, it is rated a 4.0 in difficulty. This rating means that it is a very difficult cache and may take special knowledge or multiple trips to find. I once again did not find "Be Nice To Your Sister!" cache.

At about 10:00 a.m., I stopped by to meet with the KC HiLite General Manager. Ron had no problem allowing me to place a cache on their property. So, I wrote up a revised cache "Let There Be Light" and submitted it for review. Within an hour, the cache was published.
The Highland Meadows ladies lunch was at the Grand Canyon Brewery.
It was a big group with two large tables.

Later that day, I used my new Maverik Nitro debit card to get 10 cents off the published gas prices.
It is time for the Day Lilies to bloom. Very nice!
On Thursday, I went to my final Physical Therapy session with Ethan. For the past three years, Ethan wore a face mask. He finally stopped wearing the mask and I saw his face. It was a nice ending to the two months of PT.
Before heading home, I went by my newest cache and checked on the GPS coordinates. I made a 10 foot adjustment.
The cache was published as a Premium cache. The first to find the cache was the couple --- crusty1&MK. They have been the FTF on three of my four caches.
There is one mule deer doe that roams the Highland Meadows neighborhood. For some reason, she is all by herself.

At about noon, Tom and I drove to Flagstaff. We had our second appointment with Dr. Harold Figueroa. He is working with Tom to treat his anxiety. Dr. Figueroa has a heavy Spanish accent, but he is very bright. I didn't take this photo, but I wanted to show him. This photo is probably ten years old.
That evening, there was a beautiful sunset over Williams.
On Friday, Tom and I stopped at Jake's Butcher Shop to pick up some meat. We purchased two baseball filet mignon steaks and one marbleized rib eye.
We then went over to Bearizona. I renewed my annual pass on June 1st. So, the price is right. We started with the drive-thru section.

In the walk-thru area, there was live music. Tom and I each had one adult beverage from a Drink Truck set-up near the music.
We enjoyed listening to the music.
We even danced to a few songs. Yes! At 2:30p.m., there was a bird and critter show on the lawn to our left. I had seen some of this show before, but it was a first for Tom.

Roland Manahan is looking after our trailer at Palm Creek in Casa Grande. He texted me several photos. All is good.
On Saturday, I went back to Dogtown Lake to pick up some more caches that were placed around the lake. I found eight of them.

The clouds over the mountains and lake were majestic.

On Sunday afternoon, we had a very strong monsoon storm --- thunder, lightening, rain, and hail.

On Monday, I made another trip out to Dogtown Lake. This time, I picked up six cache finds. There was "33 Below."
There was "Dogtown Fun."
And there was "Nicki The Australian Shepard."
The dark thick clouds were overhead and I could here thunder in the distance. So, it was time for me to head home.
On one of my bathroom visits early Tuesday morning, I saw the brightness of the first full moon of August. The Sturgeon Supermoon was in its glory.
My friend Barbara Coad is in Texas visiting her sister and her sister's family. Barbara's grand nephews love to geocache. One of the caches they wanted to find was solving a sudoku puzzle. The puzzle held the key to the cache location and GPS coordinates. Barbara knew that I liked doing sudoku puzzles and she asked me to solve the puzzle. On Friday morning, I solved the puzzle.
On Monday morning, Barbara and her grand nephews found the cache. Because I was helpful in the finding of this cache, Barbara gave me credit. So, I added cache number 186 to my list. It is my first Texas cache!
Tuesday morning, Tom charged both of our e-bikes. 
We decided to ride the bikes around our Highland Meadows neighborhood.

On social media, my granddaughter Meghan posted a recent photo of my great grand dog, Carl. What a cutie he is!
Tuesday night, Tom and I met Carolyn and David Cole for dinner at El Comedor Cardenas Mexican Restaurant. The last time we saw them was over five years ago. The record heat in the Phoenix valley brought them to Williams for an evening.
On Wednesday, a fellow came over from Flagstaff to purchase the fire table. We bought the table over five years ago and only used it once! My two sisters in Bend had fire tables. I thought that I needed one too. Three hundred dollars --- SOLD!
Thursday evening, there was a beautiful sunset.
Friday morning, Tom and I got our e-bikes out again and rode to Cataract Lake and up to the north forty section of Highland Meadows.

Later in the afternoon, I went back to Dogtown Lake. There was a cache I missed when I walked around the lake on July 27. I found "Christopher's Cache." It was a two mile hike to get to the hidden container.
I did startle a small herd of Mule deer. I walked back toward where my truck was parked and I found one more cache. I had attempted to find this one twice --- but monsoon weather made me abort the "Spillway Meadow" hunt.
On Saturday, I asked Tom to join me back at Dogtown Lake. There were two more caches I wanted to find before leaving the area. I found the "On the way to Davenport Hill" cache. Tom found the "Easily Distracted" cache.

This made my total number of caches found a good 190! 😊😊😊
Sunday morning, I drove to Kaibab Lake. I parked the truck and walked around the lake. It was the first time this year. The kayakers were abundant on the lake.

It was a beautiful day, but no clouds. At about 1:30 p.m., I went to Frontier Family Fun Restaurant to listen to some live music.
I had an appetizer of boneless buffalo wings and a glass of chardonnay. The two musicians of Equipata are from Casa Grande.

Monday morning brought a nice sunrise.
Jeremy Tadevich has a handyman business, Handyman Science. He arrived at 9:00 a.m. for a day of projects. His first assignment was permanently mounting the frame to the microwave. He figured out a way to use the frame from the old Kitchen Aid microwave for our newer Whirlpool microwave.
Another project was to install a new doggy door. The unit I bought was for a door and not for a wall. Fortunately, Jeremy figured out a way to modify the two pieces and complete the installation.

Later in the afternoon, I drove to Flagstaff for a facial appointment with Amy Aranda. I stopped by Summit Spa and spoke to Heather. I was ready to purchase a new spa. They had a Summer Special on a Vita four-person spa that was on the showroom floor. I had Heather write-up the order. This new hot tub was going to cost $8,000. It is a lot of money, but I love to soak. And, I am worth it! 💕💕💕
Tuesday morning, five of us met at 10:00 a.m. on the outdoor courts for several hours of pickleball. Nancy, from Sun City West, is in Williams for several weeks. She is a 4.0-4.5 player. Fun!

Kelly and Sivert Fogerlie are back in Williams for several months. They are a great couple to play pickleball with. Kelly really has improved since last year. She attributes her better playing to playing more often and performing drilling exercises.

At 12:15 p.m., I had a telemed appointment with Dr. El-Harakeh. He is the cardiologist associated with my C-PAP therapy. It was a quick visit on my personal computer, as Dr. El-Harakeh is very pleased with my 6-month results. I have a follow-up in February next year.
Later in the afternoon, Tom and I drove up to the Santa Fe Reservoir. 

I had not checked on the Santa Fe cache that I placed 3 1/2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, the cache container was gone! Some muggles take caches when found. They are geocache enemies.
I went home and temporarily disabled the cache. Then, I made a new container --- a camouflaged prescription bottle. The next morning, I placed the new cache container and reactivated the cache on geocaching.com.
Wednesday morning, I decided to take my last soak in our old hot tub. 
 A married couple from Williams are going to take the spa away this weekend. Tom published the "free" hot tub on Facebook Marketplace. And, Drew and Sarah asked for the pleasure of hauling it away before the new spa's delivery on Thursday. I proceeded to drain the spa water. It takes about eight hours to complete.

At 9:00 a.m, Colleen came to service our house. She does an excellent job!
That afternoon, we had monsoon weather. It was rain and hail.

After the monsoon, we enjoyed a beautiful sunset.
Thursday morning, our entire neighborhood basked in the beauty of a double rainbow.

I checked the hot tub. Most of the water was drained out. Tom used the ridgid vacuum to suck out the remaining water.
Bye-bye "slow leak" hot tub.
Thursday evening, we met neighbor Gus Beatty and his girlfriend, Julie Gaines, at Western View Steakhouse. Gus has been having some health challenges, so he had been spending a lot of time with Julie in Bakersfield. It was a nice "catch-up" and Gus picked up the tab. Thank-you, Gus!
Friday morning, I drove to Flagstaff for a 90 minute massage appointment with Emily Johnson. I've been going to Emily for three or four years. She told me that this is her last month at Northern Arizona Massage Therapy. She recommended another massage therapist, Karol. Emily is remaining in Flagstaff, but is going in a new direction. Good luck, Emily!
August 11th is the 39th birthday of my Italian son, Francesco. He and his married partner, Thomas, were celebrating in Italy --- near where Thomas grew up. Happy Birthday, Francesco!!!
Friday night, I made Oysters Rockefeller. Barbi, one of the Safeway butchers, orders oysters for me on request. The Naked Oysters Rockefeller is wonderful recipe!
We had a rib-eye steak from Jake's Butcher Shop. It was delicious. 💕💕💕  I opened a bottle of Chateau Tumbleweed Montepulciano that we bought in March of last year in Cottonwood. Yummy, yummy!!!

Saturday morning, I donated blood to Vitalant. The donation bus was parked in Sherwood Forest.
Later in the afternoon, Drew and Sarah, the couple who are taking our current hot tub, came by to assess the situation for a move to their home. Drew unplugged the spa from the electrical box.

That evening, we witnessed another glorious sunset!
Sunday, I donated some paste jewelry to a community event. It was held at the Sultana Theater --- free items for members of the community. The doors opened at noon for seniors and 1:00 p.m. for all others.

Drew, Sarah, and three other fellows came back to retrieve the old hot tub at about 2:00 p.m. I left to go play pickleball with Jon, Sivert, and Kelly.
Robbie and Steve joined us an hour later. It had been raining earlier in the day, but Jon and I used towels and mats to clear the courts. When I arrived home, the old spa was gone. Hooray!
Meghan's dog Carl had his second birthday. Meghan gave him a birthday crown to wear. What a cutie my great grand dog is 😊😊😊
That evening, Tom prepared a beer can chicken on the barbecue. Yummy!

On Monday, Kelsey had an acupuncture appointment at Canyon Pet Hospital in Flagstaff. There were a number of emergency room triages that delayed Dr. Sullivan. But, Kelsey and I were back home by 1:15 p.m. Fifteen minutes later, Tom and I were headed back to Flagstaff for his initial appointment with Dr. Omar Wani, a prominent cardiologist. Tom was requested to bring all of his medications in their original containers. They lined up so perfectly!

Tom's blood pressure has been high and his pulse rate very low. It took several months to secure this appointment with Dr. Wani. There are only three cardiologists serving all of Northern Arizona. Tom and I hope that Dr. Wani can get to the bottom of Tom's heart issues.
Dr. Wani ordered four procedures for Tom: a stress test, a thyroid panel, a renal artery scanning, and an echo cardiogram.. He also changed one of Tom's medications. Dr. Wani told Tom that his diet needed to be NO SALT. This means no processed food and no canned food or soups. Dr. Wani also referred Tom to a sleep cardiologist. Dr. Wani said that there are no sleep doctors in Flagstaff --- only in Prescott. So, Tom will see my doctor, Dr. Mohamed El-Harakeh in Prescott.

On Tuesday, I had a ninety-minute massage appointment with Emily Johnson in Flagstaff. Emily told me that this is her last month at Northern Arizona Massage Therapy. Darn! 
But, Emily suggested that I book my next appointment with Karol. She thought that Karol would be a good fit for me.

I contacted an electrician. My new spa is being delivered on Thursday and a certified electrician needs to wire the new spa to my electric box. JT, of JT Electrical, was very helpful and receptive.
Tom was awesome. He washed down the area where my new hot tub will be placed.
That evening, the local one mule deer doe wandered by my fence.
My neighbor, Jim Ramsey, told me that that doe regularly eats the red maple tree leaves in his front yard.

My new hot tub was delivered Thursday, July 17.

I had to hire an electrician to connect the new hot tub to the electrical box. JT, the electrician, arrived at about 3:00 p,m, It took him about an hour to get everything done.
I filled the hot tub with water. It was going to take about eight hours to heat the spa to my desired 104 degrees setting.

Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...