Sunday, February 18, 2024

Saturday, February 10 through February 29, 2024: Pickleball Activities, Jon's 5.0 Rating, Jamie's Health, and Life in Palm Creek

Every Super Bowl weekend, the Los Angeles Organization of Women Executives (OWE) has a retreat at some glamorous resort. This year, the retreat was at the new Seabird Hotel in Oceanside. While I am no longer a member of this group, it is always fun to see a photo from the event..
Sunday was the 58th Super Bowl game. It was played at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. The Kansas City Chiefs played the San Francisco 49ers. Tom and I decided to watch the game.
It was a great game. Kansas City won the game in overtime, 25-22.

On Monday, I had an appointment with the chiropractor, Dr. Tim Hoyt. It is nice that I have been taking time this winter to get monthly adjustments.
Later in the day, I had Tom drop me off near the historic area of Casa Grande. I then walked back to Palm Creek. One of the sights I passed was the Casa Grande City Hall.
I also looked for and found a geocache "Lucy you got a lot of splainin to do!"
I also stopped at C-A-L Ranch. Tom is interested in buying a new belt. This store had loads of leather belts.
My Blink camera caught the build-up of a large icicle in the front of our Williams home.
On Tuesday, I saw a hot air balloon over Palm Creek.
In the afternoon, the dogs and I took some white bread out to the 7th hole pond and fed the fish.

Later in the evening, there was a colorful sunset.
Wednesday was Valentine's Day. I played in the 3.75 Women's Ladder and finally made it to the #1 Court --- number 23. My teammates were all from Quebec, Canada.

That evening, Tom and I had sushi for dinner. I picked the dinner up at Fry's. Yummy!!!

Thursday morning, I drove my truck to Chandler. I went to Sam's Club and then I had a 1:45 p.m. facial appointment with Heather Liston. That evening was the Palm Creek Pickleball Club Dinner and Dance. The theme was Mexican and the band was Thaddeus Rose.

I won a $20 gift card to Fry's for submitting Mexican Slang answers and playing a musical chairs game.
The next morning, Tom told me that we have another trailer water leak. This time, it is outside of the unit.
I called Hernandez RV Mobile Service and scheduled an appointment for February 20. The one year warranty on the trailer expires on February 25. I will call Forest River to register the issue.
Jon was assessed and he became a 5.0 pickleball player. That is the highest rating unless you play pickleball professionally.  Congratulations to Jon!!!
Friday afternoon, I participated in a Coached Stacking clinic. The very tall Mike was the coach. He was excellent.
My sister Carrie is in Georgia meeting her new grandson, Colter Oakley. She posted several great photos!

Sunday, our coffee maker died. We had it for four years and the build-up of calcium made it stop brewing. I ordered a new coffee maker that morning, and it was delivered by Amazon the same day!
Donna and David are in Gulf Shores, Alabama. They are slowly heading back to California for Emily's May 19 graduation from Loyola Law School. Richard and I stayed at that same RV Park twenty years ago.
February 18 was my grandnephew's one month birthday. My niece Lauren posted this photo of Colter on social media.
On Monday, President's Day, I called Forest River about our potential water leak. Mark Higgens of Forest River said that I needed to contact Freedom RV. I spoke to Newt Campbell, the service manager at Freedom RV. If we need to open a warranty claim, I might have to pay for the parts and labor and then get reimbursed. David (jojo) Cruz of Hernandez Mobile RV Repair arrived late Tuesday afternoon.

While David (jojo) will have to come back to perform the repair, there is just a crimp in a water hose under the water heater that has created the leak. So, fortunately, no leak under the floor of the trailer or within the belly of the trailer. Thank goodness!
Early Wednesday morning, I enjoyed a gorgeous sunrise!
Later that morning, the Palm Creek Pickleball photographer posted photos from the February 15 Mexican Fiesta Party. He took several photos of me and Tom posing in front of a backdrop and dancing.

Wednesday afternoon, I went to my massage appointment with Veronica Miller. I waited in the lobby with no Veronica showing up. Then, one of her suite associates came out and told me that Veronica is not in Casa Grande. Her daughter was having a baby in Ohio and she won't be back for several weeks. 
My neighbor Ron told me about a great massage therapist at Palm Creek. I made an appointment with Cathy Kelly the following week.

Palm Creek Resort had a parkwide event called "Tumbleweed, Tombstone, and Trouble." It was a day-long party and giving day. There were food trucks, music, and fun adult activities. The band was The Campbell Band. Money was raised for a number of Casa Grande charities.

It was such a nice day that Tom sat outside and read a book.
On Thursday morning, I took Jamie to Casa Grande Animal Hospital to get an ultrasound of his abdomen. Dr. Julie Maher was back from a 30 day medical retreat and she performed the procedure. I dropped him off at 8:45 a.m. and picked him up at 5:30 p.m.
In the afternoon, Tom and I rode our bikes around the Palm Creek Resort.
Dr. Mayer called me that evening. She spoke to an internal medicine veterinarian specialist. The recommendation was to not proceed with a full blood panel and instead do a Biles Acids Panel and try to pinpoint how much Jamie's liver is damaged. This procedure required that Jamie fast for 12 hours. So, I brought Jamie in the next morning.
Fortunately, he was ready to be picked up at 11:30 a.m. I purchased a new dog food for Jamie. It is a dehydrated chicken recipe from The Honest Kitchen. I just add water. It is very nice, as he likes the food. Jamie has lost almost ten pounds in the past four weeks. It is time to stop the weight loss.
Dr. Mayer wants Jamie to use Science Diet Liver Care dog food. I bought a 19 pound bag from the animal hospital. If Jamie doesn't like it, I can return the opened bag for return of my money.

Saturday morning, I walked Kelsey and Jamie on the 10th whole loop. There was a nice hot air balloon over the Palm Creek Resort.

Sunday, Tom and I went to Culver's Restaurant for lunch and had their February Northwoods Walleye fish sandwich. It was very tasty, but over 600 calories!
Monday morning, I had a massage appointment with Cathy Kelly. She was referred to me by my neighbor, Ron McCartney. Cathy lives in Palm Creek and is originally from Nebraska. Politically, we are liked minded. She did a very nice job.
That afternoon, Tom and I attended the final Ross Talk of the season. The talk was about the hidden Cabal and the aliens who populated Earth millions of years ago.
Jorge and David (jojo) from Hernandez Mobile RV Repair came back to our trailer on Tuesday, February 27. They were ready to repair the water leak.

That same afternoon, Jon stopped by to "shoot the breeze."

February28 is my father's birthday. Of course, he is in heaven. My brother texted a fun photo of a birthday with Billy, Jr.
That morning, a bird committed suicide by hitting one of the trailer windows. Poor little bird 😮😮😮

There were a couple of hot air balloons flying overhead.

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Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...