Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Friday, March 1 through Friday, March 15, 2024: Membership Pickleball Tournament, Dog Medical Updates, Tom's 77th Birthday, and Life in Casa Grande

This year, I am going to file my income taxes before April 15. This will be a first in over thirty years! I got all of the tax documents organized, copied, and placed in an envelop to Ken Bachman, my accountant. I drove to the Casa Grande Post Office and there was a line of people all the way to the entrance door!
I decided to take advantage of the self-service kiosk in the outer lobby.

Saturday, Tom and I went to the pickleball courts to watch Jon play in the Palm Creek Members Pickleball Tournament. His 5.0 mixed partner was Debbie from Colorado.
Jon and Debbie lost their first match. It turns out that this couple that they played earned Gold Medal for the day.
Jon and Debbie lost their second match, so they were done for the day.
Sunday, I took Jamie and Kelsey on a walk to the pond and beyond.
The second day of tournament pickleball play for Jon started at 9:30 a.m.  Before Jon's first match, I had a bystander take a photo of the three of us.
Jon's doubles partner was Grant from Toronto, Canada.
Jon and Grant lost their first match.
They moved to the Loser's bracket and won the next match.
In between matches, Jon snapped a photo of me and Tom.
Jon and Grant won their third match.
Unfortunately, they lost their fourth match and were done for the day.
Interesting enough, Jon and Grant were playing in the 35-49 age bracket. Since they were the only doubles players in this age bracket, they won Gold Medal.
Later that afternoon, I walked the outside perimeter of Palm Creek. A segment of this walk was along a field of dormant cotton.
Monday morning, Jamie and Kelsey had their monthly Librela injection at Casa Grand Animal Hospital.

That afternoon, Tom and I met Jon on the pickleball courts and we drilled for an hour. Jon was coaching Tom.
This was the first time this year that Tom and I were together on a pickleball court.
Tuesday morning, I caught Jamie and Kelsey sleeping together on the same dog bed.
Later in the morning, I walked the dogs to a dog groomer who was set up in the park. Jamie and Kelsey had their nails trimmed. Long over due!
Wednesday, Tom and I began to focus on what we need to do to prepare the trailer for summer. We ordered some new covers for the two air conditioners. The two we had for this past summer lost the strings to tighten the fit. We also ordered some thermal bubble roll to put in the windows. Our neighbor up the street showed us what they use.
On Thursday, I was flushing the toilet and my thick sandal slipped and I broke the waste ball arm that opens and closes the toilet ball. The next morning I used the internet to research replacement parts. There is a wast ball drive arm kit. I called Norris RV Supplies in Casa Grande. They have the part, but a technician is not able to come until next Wednesday morning. We'll just have to make due.
Friday, it rained. It is always a challenge when it rains --- taking the dogs out for walks and potty stops. Fortunately, Tom has a nice big red and white golf umbrella. I also have rain ponchos to wear.

Saturday morning, I took Jamie and Kelsey by the 7th hole pond.
This day, March 9, is Tom's 77th birthday. When I drove over to BoSa Donuts, a hot air balloon was taking off in the field across from out Palm Creek entrance.
Before we went to dinner, Tom and I visited with Palm Creek resident, Taylor Baumgarten. We met Taylor at the pickleball tournament. She was interested in hearing our story about work camping.

Taylor sold her home in Palm Creek. She will be moving to Tucson where her son lives or she will move to Minnesota where one of her daughters lives.
Tom, Jon, and I had 6:00 p.m. reservations at BeDillons Restaurant & Cactus Garden. We reserved a table outdoors in the cactus garden. All three of us had prime rib for dinner.
Sunday is busy day for hot air ballooning.
Monday, I attended a Dylan Frazier Pickleball Clinic. Dylan is a 22 year old pickleball professional. He is #3 in the world in men's doubles. 
There were seven people attending the clinic. Dylan's friend, Doug (or Chief), also helped conduct the session.

It was an excellent clinic. I now understand how important it is to drill several times a week.
My sister Wendy and her girlfriend, Beverly Nickerson, were at a marketplace event in Pasadena. They ran into our old San Marino neighbors, Laurie Sams and her mother Darlene Lloyd. Darlene is an amazing 96 years old. She is as sharp as a tack!
Wednesday morning, an RV technician contracted with Norris RV Supplies arrived to repair the waste ball drive arm. Jim is 82 years old and he has been an RV repair professional for 40 years.

On Thursday, March 14, I drove to Chandler for a facial appointment with Heather Liston. Tom went to a presentation in the Palm Creek ballroom. The Palm Creek Sewing Club made nine quilts that were handed out to nine Palm Creek residents who are veterans. Jon received one for his service in the Air Force.

Of course, Jon was the only recipient who had his Dad in attendance.

Friday, March 15, Williams received several inches of new snow. My Blink cameras were able to capture some photos.

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