Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Monday, April 22 to Wednesday, May 8, 2024: New Roof, Snow (! 😲😲😲 !), Circus, Appointments, and Pickleball

Monday, April 22, the PBR roofers began the "new roof" project. They arrived at 7:00 a.m.
They started on the back side of the roof.

The roofing company is owned by two brothers, Jake and Fritz Plecas.
Near the end of the first day, the roofers began work on the front side roof. They also set-up for replacing the RV barn roof.
On Day 2, the house roof was completed and they also finished the RV barn. The Plecas Brothers Roofing Company team consisted of six hardworking Mexicans. Tom and I were impressed by their work and work ethic!

My sister Carrie and her husband Brent are in Georgia. They are visiting their grandson Colter. What a cutie he is!
My friend Barbara Coad is on a cruise that navigates through the Panama Canal. Her roommate is Liz Towns from Great Britain. Liz lost her husband last year to cancer. Barbara is a nice cruising companion.
Early in the morning, I enjoyed seeing the April 23 Pink Moon.
Donna and David continue enjoying their stay in Southern California.

Wednesday afternoon, Tom dropped me off at dry Holden Lake.
I walked on several forest roads to return back to my home.

I also walked by the Elephant Rocks Golf Course.

It took me about 1 1/2 hours to get back home.
Thursday afternoon, I dropped several tops off at neighbor Linda Reynolds home. She is an excellent seamstress and is going to update the look of the tops.
Later in the afternoon, it started to hail heavily.

My sister Carrie is in Georgia. She is visiting her daughter and her grandson, Colter. Carrie and Lauren posted some cute photos on Instagram.

Friday, I drove to Flagstaff for several appointments. That evening, we actually got SNOW!!!

According to my calculation, there was 5 inches of fresh snow Saturday morning --- April 27. It was a lazy morning for sure! At about noon, Tom and I got in the Subaru and went to lunch at Goldie's Route 66 Diner. Both of us enjoyed delicious breakfast entrees.
Sunday, the weather improved. Tom and I tackled getting some of the snow off of the roof.
We were finally able to see Bill Williams Mountain again.
On Sunday, I walked along Cataract Lake Road to get to town.
Tom picked me up near the cemetery, as the road under the railroad bridge is flooded.
On Monday, I gave blood at the Williams High School. It was the first time in four tries that I was able to donate.

Fritz and Jake Plecas came by the house to put up the heat tape on the north facing and east facing roofs.
In the afternoon, the dogs and I drove to Flagstaff to see Dr. Sullivan at Canyon Pet Hospital.

It was time to have Canyon Pet Hospital get caught up on Jamie's liver damage and Kelsey's heart murmur and her fluid in lungs.

On Tuesday, I drove to Kaibab Lake and walked the 2 1/2 miles around the lake.

Wednesday morning, I found a mouse in the garage trash can. This is the second mouse that got caught there. Tom took the first one to the forest on the other side of the train tracks. I did the same with this one!

This week, the PBR roofing team were working on Jack Butler's home. He has a large two story home with severely pitched roof.
It took them 3 1/2 days to complete the job.

The Highland Meadows ladies had lunch at Pine Country Restaurant. It was a nice group of ten total.

At 1:30 p.m., I met Ray Baker at the Manley Racquet Courts. Ray is working at the Circle Pines KOA over the summer. Ray and I had fun drilling for an hour. We also played two games of skinny singles. He beat me both times!
That evening, Tom and I went to the Culpepper & Merriwather Circus. We went to the 5:00 p.m. show. There was also a 7:30 p.m. show.
I don't remember when I was last at a circus. This circus was last in Williams in 2021. Tom and I really enjoyed the show.
There were lions --- one female and one male.

There were various clowns and acrobats.

The two draft horses also performed.
There was a boy at the circus whose parents bought him a blow-up Dalmatian.
After the circus, we went home and Tom made chicken quesadillas for dinner.
Romeo Cruz was a caregiver for my father. My family became very close to Romeo. It is always nice to acknowledge his May 1st birthday. Since losing my brother, John, I call Romeo my "little brother."
The next morning, five of us played pickleball. It was Ray, Diane, Dorothy, Rose, and me.
We played for about two hours. 

Dorothy took some photos of our pickleball play. It was nice having some photos of me playing 😊😊😊

My friend Barbara Coad is still on her cruise with friend Liz Towns. Here she is in Puerto Vallarta.
With the snow we had last weekend, Mt. Humphreys looks so beautiful. This photo was taken at Cataract Lake.
Late Friday, Patrick from O'Brien Auto Glass came to repair my truck's two windshield cracks and one crack in Tom's Subaru.

Barbara and Clark Gates celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary in Tucson. I used to work with Clark at Union Bank. He and Barbara have a winter home in Tucson and a summer home on Cape Cod.
Saturday, May 4, was the 150th Kentucky Derby. Tom and I watched a delayed rerun of the race where Mystik Dan eventually won by a nose.
Barbara Coad is still on her cruise. The ship stopped in Los Angeles --- on its way to Vancouver, Canada. Barbara and Liz took an excursion to the Hollywood sign.
Kelsey and Jamie's groomer, Elsa Marie, is in Europe with her fiance, Lance. It has been fun seeing Facebook posts of their trip to Italy, Switzerland, and France.
Sunday, I received word that long-time friend, Ed Smith, passed away. He was 81 years old. His wife, Sandra, sent out an email with the sad news. I was fortunate to celebrate his 80th birthday in October, 2022. Ed loved to play pickleball and to ride his bike. This photo was taken at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in July, 2021.
Pat and Bill Wheeler went to one of Bill's high school reunions. It was fun to capture this post on Facebook from Karen Fellows.
Tuesday, Tom changed out a light on the side of the garage.
That afternoon, I tried on outfits. I wanted to decide what to wear this weekend in Texas. My oldest grandson, Jake Ebbert, is graduating from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. I texted photos of possible outfits to my sister Carrie. She liked this dress for the 4:00 p.m. commencement on Saturday.
That evening, we met Roy Henderson for dinner at the Red Raven Restaurant. Roy lives in the Salt Lake City area. He is in Arizona calling on some of his medical insurance clients. Roy was my last boss at Union Bank of California.
Wednesday, I packed for Texas and organized the food and food instructions for Kelsey and Jamie. Tom is a champion and he will take care of them for the three nights that I am gone.

Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...