Monday, October 1, 2018

Sunday, September 16 through Sunday, September 30: More Doctor Maintenance and Readying for October RV Trip

Sunday was another day of pickleball play at the Rodeo Barn. Monday, I had an appointment in Flagstaff with my dermatologist, Sara Risner-Rumohr. In May, she noticed a cyst on the back of my neck. The timing of having it removed did not work for me, so the in-office surgery was postponed. Today was the day! Just four stitches!
Tuesday morning, I attended the Highland Meadows ladies breakfast at Anna's Cafe. After an hour, I excused myself to go play pickleball. At the Rodeo Barn, we had our largest group of players --- twelve of us! The two courts were full.
 And, we had to implement a queuing-up system with four people waiting.
That afternoon, Tom and I drove to Flagstaff for my appointment with cardiologist, Dr. Mackin. I was scheduled for a stress echocardiogram. The procedure lasted about an hour. Dr. Mackin told me that my heart takes many extra beats. During the test, he said that I stopped the extra heart beats at the highest treadmill workout level.
Dr. Mackin's recommendation was to eat fish two to three times a week, increase natural potassium in my diet, and add a magnesium supplement and a fish oil supplement. He thought that this would get my heart beats back to normal is 3-4 weeks. I like that!

It was almost 6:00 pm. We picked up the two supplements at Sprouts and then headed to Hiro's for sushi. Our pleasant sushi chef was from Hawaii.
It is so nice that Tom likes sushi as much as me!

Wednesday morning, I drove back to Flagstaff. I had another appointment with chiropractor Brent Moseng. His adjustments are really great!
Unfortunately, this will be my last visit to his office until November. Tom and I are leaving on a 30-day RV trip in ten days.

My sister Wendy reached out to all the Shelton siblings to arrange a dinner together. The date was set for Friday, October 21. I decided it would be fun to join them. Then, it would be all six of us! My brother Peter and his wife, Terry, live in San Gabriel. They invited me to stay at Casa Shelton. Tom was kind enough to offer to stay in Williams and care for the dogs. He had done it once in July, but only for a night. This time, it was going to be two nights. Thank you, Tom!
On Thursday, I left Williams for Los Angeles at about 9:00 a.m. Without stops, it is a 6 1/2 hour drive. But, I do make stops! The drive was uneventful until I hit the Cajon Pass. Lots of traffic there!

I arrived at Pete and Terry's home around 3:00 pm. Pete had the day off. Terry came home around 4:00 pm. We decided to go to Lacy Park and walk. It was a beautiful late afternoon walk!
That evening, my brother, Peter, barbecued pork tenderloins. Yummy!
The next morning, Terry suggested that we ride bikes to the Rose Bowl and back. It would be about 20 miles. Terry was a champion in finding "none busy" streets for the ride. The Rose Bowl was being set up for several Beyonce concerts.
Terry texted my sister Wendy to meet us at a lunch restuarant, The Heirloom. Terry and I locked our bikes and shared an egg salad sandwich.
Wendy dropped by our restaurant after a gym class at the South Pasadena/San Marino YMCA. We will be seeing her later for dinner.

When we returned to the Shelton home, I took a little nap. Very refreshing! We left San Gabriel for Pasadena at about 5:15 pm. We wanted to pick up my nephew, Michael, in Pasadena.

It was a great Mexican meal at Wendy and Kai's home. What fun to have all six Shelton siblings together!
Saturday morning, I headed back to Williams. It was an uneventful trip. Tom and the dogs were happy to see me!

After I got back from church, Tom and I went to play pickleball at the Rodeo Barn. It was a smaller group, but still good.
Monday was a day of Flagstaff errands and Natanya's massage in Williams. It was time for me to go to Jiffy Lube for my 5,000 mile lube job.
In the mail, I received my new medicare card. The new number is gibberish. Too bad that my social security number is a thing of the past.

Tuesday was a beautiful morning of clouds.
I went to Sandoval Tires to get my tires rotated. They were short-staffed, so it took a little longer. But, I made it to the Highland Meadows Ladies breakfast, this time at Pine Country Restaurant. No pickleball at the Rodeo Barn this week. The high school homecoming float is being decorated.

On Wednesday, four of us went to Flagstaff to play pickleball at the Aquaplex. I had not been there since May, 2017.
Gus, Libby, Jon, and I went to lunch at Jitters Lunch Box after pickleball. Jon is quickly engaged in becoming an Arizona resident. He already has a new license plate! Congratulations :-)
Thursday morning, the dogs and I walked through the neighborhood. We have seen this young buck in several locations. Here he was at a nearby home!
In the afternoon, I had an appointment in Flagstaff at Flagstaff Face & Body. Yes, I love dermaplaning! My current facial provider is thinking about retiring. So, I must look at alternatives.
My neighbors, Connie and Jay, earned a tag this year for hunting an elk. Hunting tags are part of a lottery system. And, they were successful!
500 pounds of elk meat is being processed at a local meat place on Garland-Prairie Road.  Later that evening, Jon joined us for dinner at El Corral Restaurant in Williams.

Saturday was a day dedicated to moving food and clothing to the travel trailer. The dogs always enjoy their walk from the front porch to Cataract Lake.
Sunday, we finalized the trailer set-up. We need to drop Ramsey off at Cinder Hills Kennel.
Our first night stay was at Springerville RV Park, about 210 miles southeast of Williams. It is a relatively new park --- still no showers, laundry, and toilets. But, it was quiet and the camp hosts were very friendly.

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