Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, May 1 through Thursday, May 16: Errands, Friends, and Nearby Trips

May Day, May 1st, Tom, Gus, Jon and I attended the Williams Parks and Recreation quarterly meeting. We wanted to let the group know that we were very serious about finding a good venue in town to play pickleball indoors and outdoors. It was the first time I had been inside the City Hall chambers.
After the meeting, I drove to Flagstaff for my hair appointment with Shawna. She was as eccentric as usual.
The next day, we played pickleball on the tennis courts. The surface is very worn, but we make it work.
On Friday, my friends from Salinas, California --- Barbara and Michael Penna --- dropped by to say hello. They were spending a night in Williams and then taking the train to the Grand Canyon for two nights.
Barbara and I have known each other for 45 years. Her first husband and my first husband were U.S. Army lieutenants stationed in Hohenfels, Germany, in the mid 1970s. Barbara and I bonded. We were both from Southern California and we both worked for Big Bend Community College --- teaching high school completion courses for the enlisted military.

The Pennas were staying at the local Holiday Inn. They returned several hours later to have cocktails and light hors d'oeuvres. We then went to the Red Raven Restaurant for dinner. The next morning, the Pennas came back and left their car in our garage. I took them back to the Grand Canyon Railway train station to turn in their voucher and collect tickets.
Before they boarded the 9:30 am train to the canyon, Tom took a photo of the three of us.
The first Saturday in May is the Williams Beautification Day. What that means is members of the community gather at the Visitor Center parking lot to sign-in for picking up trash across the town.
We are issued trash bags and safety vests. This year, Jon and Tom attended. We selected the tennis courts. It was a good place to pick up trash --- and to pick up all the pine needles! Pine needle collection is extra credit.
We put the pine needles in both Jon's truck and Tom's truck. At about 11:45 am, we completed the tennis court project and headed back to the Visitor Center parking lot for a hamburger and hot dog lunch. Last year, they ran out of food by noon. The same thing happened this year. But, we go there just in time. And, Dairy Queen donated ice cream Dilly-bars!
That evening our friend, Kerry-Lynn Moede, was singing at Miss Kitty's Steakhouse. We decided to go there for dinner and listen to Kerry-Lynn.
She has a beautiful voice and a good selection of songs. No band, just her computer and background recorded music. Tom and I even danced a few songs!

Sunday morning, I walked the dogs early. Tom and I were going to Prescott to watch Jon and Gus play in a pickleball tournament. The tournament was at the Prescott Athletic Club. I had never been there.
After singing the national anthem, we found out that the first match of Jon's and Gus's was a forfeit game. The other two men that they were expected to play did not show up. So, Jon and Gus warmed up solo.
Jon and Gus played their first game around 10:00 am. The games are refereed and instructions and rules are outlined before play.
Jon and Gus won their first game. The other team won the next two games. The age bracket/skill level had only five teams due to no-shows. So, it became round robin tournament play. Each team played the other four teams.

Two men were from Flagstaff. In that play, Jon and Gus won the first game. But, the Flagstaff team won the next two games.
After the tournament, Gus, Libby, Tom, Jon, and I went to the Gurley Street Grill in historic old Prescott. Since it was Cinco de Mayo, we tried two Mexican restaurants first. One was packed full. One was closed on Sundays.
Monday morning, I headed up to the Grand Canyon. I picked up my friend,s Barbara and Michael Penna, at their Holiday Inn hotel in Tusayan. I had put together an itinerary for their two night visit to the South Rim. While they will be taking the 3:30 pm train back to Williams, I wanted them to see the Watchtower at Desert View. It was fun for me, as I have not been to that part of the park for a number of years.
We also stopped at the Visitor Center. Barbara wanted to pick up some souvenirs and purchase a National Park Passport book.
I love having my passport book! She received a nice stamp honoring the park's centennial (1919-2019).

On the way back to the village, we stopped at the trailhead to Shoshone Point. While I wanted to show them that viewpoint, it was a little too long of a walk. So, we turned around after about a half mile.
I dropped the Pennas off at the El Tovar Hotel, so that they could walk down the hill to the train station.

Several hours later, I met their train at the Grand Canyon Railway train station in Williams.
Our first stop was the Holiday Inn, so that Michael could check-in to their room. Then, we went back to my home for dinner. Tom made a delicious beef stroganoff dinner! We had a great final visit --- even talking politics --- as Michael is very conservative as well!

While I was in Israel, one of the couples was from Wisconsin. They raved about a fast food concern called Culver's. It was started in Wisconsin and is now in 26 states. Flagstaff has an outlet. So, Tom and I had lunch there on Wednesday. The beef is never frozen, and the food is cooked to order. We liked it!
That afternoon, I received a call that Ramsey's remains were ready to be picked up. I had him cremated so that I could spread his ashes in special places that he loved to visit.

Since I was going to Flagstaff the next day, I took my bike to Flag Bike Revolution for a tune-up. It has been over four years since I had this done. They recommended that I also replace some of the break wiring system.
After dropping off my bike, I stopped by Canyon Pet Hospital and got the "Ramsey" package.
Included in the package was a plaster print of Ramsey's paw. I put that in the window sill.

I decided that it was time to get back to my gym, Results Fitness Center. I had seen in the Williams/Grand Canyon paper that the personal trainer, Lucas, was once again a "full time" employee. He is conducts fitness classes three or four times a week. So, I went on Thursday. The class is okay, but I feel so good afterwards!
On Friday, I joined Tom and Jon on a field trip to look for elk antlers that are annually shed this time of year. We headed north on Highway 64 toward the canyon and turned right on a county road north of Valle. To look for shed, you just have to select a location and start walking. Tom found a tree branch that looked like antlers.
And, I found an interesting log to pose on!
We did not find any shed on that stop and the next stop, but Jon did find a mule deer antler on the dirt road heading back to Williams.

That afternoon, I took the dogs for a walk in the neighborhood. I saw that KC Hilites had the logo signs back on the building.
The Williams/Grand Canyon paper had a notice about Pioneer Day at the Ash Fork Historical Society on Saturday. Last year, Tom and I went to that museum for a great talk on Arizona's Route 66. Travel writer, Roger Naylor, spoke about its history and the efforts to make Route 66 a national historic road.

Tom and I went to the Ash Fork Pioneer Day. It began with a parade down Route 66.
I had told Libby Beatty about the event. So, she and Gus joined us at the museum for a Chili Cook-Off lunch.
I had the pulled pork sandwich option. Tom enjoyed his bowl of chili and the homemade piece of pie!
After the Pioneer Day celebration, Tom and I drove back to Williams. The city held a silent auction in the Rodeo Barn, to rid itself of old equipment, trucks, and machines.
The bidding had concluded and people were queued up to pay for their goods.

That Sunday, I went to church and then joined others for pickleball on the tennis courts. Jon went back out in search of shed. His jeep took on a lot of mud!
One of the things I like about where we live are the clouds. On a walk with the dogs to Cataract Lake, I took this photo!
Tom and I enjoyed the spa one afternoon. A pesty bird kept chirping and squawking at us. I later noticed that she had built a nest behind a garden house feature. When we were in the spa, we were too close to her nest.
I was going to get rid of the nest, but noticed that she had layed some eggs. So, I left her, and the eggs, alone.
At Tuesday's pickleball play, Jon showed off the efforts of his work on trying to find antlers. He has a collection of 10-12!
After pickleball, I joined the Highland Meadows ladies group at Lulu Belle's BBQ in Ash Fork. It was my first time at this restaurant. The brisket is a specialty. It was yummy!
All day Wednesday, Tom and I packed for our vacation. On Saturday, we are flying to Vancouver and boarding the Golden Princess for Alaska. It is for my birthday --- #67. After the seven day cruise, we will spend several nights in Denali. Can't wait!

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