Saturday, May 22, 2021

Monday, May 17 through Monday, May 31, 2021: Bearizona, Birthday, Appointments, and Memorial Day

The cloud formations in and around Williams have been magnificent. I never get tired of clouds, mountains, and lakes.
Wednesday was my 69th birthday --- the last birthday in my 60s! 😝😲😳  Jesse, with Atomic Pest Control, dropped by the house to do his "every 90 days" routine.
I then had a nail and pedicure appointment at 66 Spa Nails. Jennifer and Will both worked to make my hands and feet beautiful.
That afternoon, Tom and I headed to Bearizona. We drove through the drive-through park. The three Grizzly bears are now 15 months old. They were recently moved to a new exhibit in the walk-through park.
At about 4:30 pm, we went to the Canyonlands Restaurant. There, we had adult beverages.
Before we left the bar area to go to our 6:00 pm reservations at Red Raven, we started talking to a fellow. It turns out, it was Sean Casey --- owner of Bearizona! I saw Sean (with his wife) at the October Trump rally in Prescott, Arizona. Sean was kind enough to pose with me.
On Thursday, I received feedback from Troy Mortensen, my Landscaping guy. He looked at my three Aspens that I had planted four years ago. None of them have started to sprout leaves. Troy said that the very dry winter hurt many trees. Two of the Aspens still have life, but one is dead. He told me to still water them.
This saddens me, as I planted the trees as a memorial to Richard. Richard loved the quaking Aspens! I spoke later to Troy and asked if he could plant a healthy tree near the unhealthy Aspens. I would love to have a quaking Aspen by Richard's June 27th birthday.

On Saturday, Tom and I drove to Ash Fork. We were meeting our friends Roger and Priscilla. They are taking their truck and 22 foot trailer to Oregon. Tom bought some blackberry moonshine for Roger. I had a bottle of Merlot for Priscilla. They arrived and were very pleased with the gifts.
Roger and Priscilla work camp every summer at Ft. Stevens State Park outside of Astoria. After they left, Tom and I went to have lunch at Lulu Belle's BBQ.
That afternoon, I took it upon myself to find an accommodation for my sister Kim. Our niece, Katelyn Kuwata, is getting married in early October. The wedding venue is Camp Sherman, Oregon. Tom and I booked a cabin in Camp Sherman several months ago. But, no one in my family had made arrangements for Kim. Kim has been on disability for over thirty years and has an autoimmune disease called Scleroderma. Camp Sherman is very small and it is important that Kim be located close-by. I found a cute cabin through airbnb. Fortunately, it was available for the October 1-3 dates and I booked it. And, it is within minutes of our cabin and the cabins of other family members.
On Sunday, there was no pickleball. So Tom and I went for a walk in the woods. We stopped at three places.
The second stop was up another Kaibab National Forest road. There, in a ravine, were many dead trees.
The last stop was very nice. It reminded me of the forest near Kaibab Lake.
We found no shed, but I did see part of the leg of an Elk.
Over the weekend, I received a pamphlet from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Apparently, there is a fitness center perk that comes with my Medicare Supplement. So, on Monday, I presented the paperwork to Results Fitness in Williams. And viola! I now have a free membership there. They recently moved to a new location.
Several years ago, I was a member of this gym. But when pickleball became my prominent exercise, I dropped the membership. But, this membership is now paid for by Silver & Fit. Now, when there is no pickleball, or the weather is bad, I have another workout option.

In the evening, Tom barbecued our dinner. He steamed vegetables, cooked stuffed mushrooms, and grilled a nice flat iron steak. Thank you, Tom! It was delicious! 😃😃😃
On Tuesday, I made my first trip to Results Fitness. The place was almost empty.
But, I got a nice workout --- 2 1/2 miles --- on a treadmill.
That evening, Tom fixed me a delicious Apple Martini. The weather is getting warmer, so we could enjoy our adult beverages on the back patio.
On Tuesday and Thursday, I played pickleball outdoors on the tennis courts by the high school. Some of our beginner and intermediate players play on the tennis courts. Fortunately, it wasn't too windy. Tom and I played two days of Skinny Singles pickleball in the Rodeo Barn. Several of our pickleball friends are out of town.

Wednesday, I got a text from my landscaping guy, Troy. He has a replacement Aspen that he wants to plant in my backyard. So Troy and his youngest son brought my new Aspens. Yes!
I was pleasantly surprised that Troy was able to plant the new trees so quickly. I once again have quaking Aspens!
Tom and I had another "walk in the woods" adventure. We continue to look for shed and visit beautiful nearby areas.
We walk through the forest.
And we climb up the hills.
On Friday, Tom and I played Skinny Singles in the Williams Rodeo Barn. In the afternoon, I went to the gym for a workout. My goal is to go to the gym three times a week. This should make the Silver & Fit folks happy. On this day, I walked the treadmill for 2 1/2 miles.
I walked to town on Saturday, May 29. It is Memorial Day Weekend and the town was packed!
It was nice to see the town "back to normal" again. The Kiwanis Swap Meet was full of vendors and visitors.
A month ago, I joined the censorship free Telegram. One of the posts shared was a photo and signature of Joe Biden when he was Vice President. And then another photo and signature of Joe Biden as President. Weird that it doesn't look like the same person.
On Sunday, I went to the gym. This time I worked out on a stationary bike.
Our washing machine is starting to show signs of being "out of balance" when washing Tom's jeans. A Flagstaff appliance repair shop told me that they do handle washing machines, but they are too busy with Flagstaff customers to cover the town of Williams right now. He suggested that I call back in several months. So, Tom decided to open the back of the machine and check the shock absorbers.
Thank you, Tom, for your help. The shock absorbers actually looked fine.

Two former colleagues of mine from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon decided to hike the Rim to Rim over Memorial Day weekend. Amy still works at the canyon. Dave and his wife live in Phoenix. Dave shared with me a photo of the two of them hiking in the dark with headlights.
You two are awesome! I did the Rim to Rim hike sixteen years ago 😲😲😲 Dave and his wife Carolyn also went to the Toroweap, an overlook on the north side of the canyon. It is on my bucket list to go there, but to get to the overlook, you have to drive a primitive road for 61 miles in each direction.

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Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...