Saturday, July 10, 2021

Thursday, July 1 to Wednesday July 14, 2021: Pickleball, Pit Bull Attack, Block Party and Follow-Up

On my walk in town, I noticed that Rod's Steakhouse has reopened. They "permanently closed" in May when they were not able to get enough staff. That was a nice sign to see it back in business ---dinners only.
Friday, I went to the gym. In the early evening, we had a beautiful sunset.
Last September, Sandie and Bob Mills came to Williams for a week or two. Their primary home is Surprise, Arizona. Sandie contacted me, as they were coming back to Williams for two weeks. We rendezvoused with them on Saturday for some good pickleball play.
There were eight of us playing on two courts. I brought out my Round Robin format to mix up the group.
July is monsoon season. On my last walk of the day, the clouds were dark and ready to burst.
Sunday, on my first walk around the block with the dogs, we encountered two loose pit bulls. I saw them across the street by the porch stairs of a home that is rarely used. I attempted to turn around, but they saw us and charged. It was about 9:00 a.m. I started screaming "help!" "help!" The big gray male got a hold of Kelsey --- pinning her to the ground with his jaws. She was squealing. I kept yelling "help!" "help!" Finally, neighbor Jack came down the street. He tried to pry the pit bull off Kelsey. No avail. Jamie tried to interject. No avail. Neighbors Craig and Alyson came out. I picked up the back legs of the pit bull and he let go of Kelsey. With more people help, Craig and Alyson took Jamie and Kelsey to the front of their home. Kelsey was bleeding from her left shoulder and all down her left side. In the altercation, I got bit too --- inside my left knee/lower thigh. A woman came out of the house and called the two dogs. She grabbed the collar of the aggressive male. This is not the dog, but this is what he looked like.
And, then the pit bull attacked her! He wrapped his jaws around her left arm. She screamed. A young male came out of the house. He tried to help the lady. No avail. The dog would not let go. They got up to the front porch. The young male put a hose to the pit bull and he released the women's arm. They all got inside --- closed the door --- and the lady started screaming. It was evident that the pit bull attacked her again. Neighbor Craig called the police and the ambulance service. They arrived about ten minutes later.
While Craig and Alyson held onto Jamie and Kelsey, I ran across the vacant lot to get my truck. I stormed into the house and told Tom what had just happened. The two of us jumped in the truck and headed back to the crime scene. The police officer took pictures of my bites, Kelsey's bleeding left side, and documented what happened. The owner of the pit bull arrived hurriedly in a gray pick-up truck. He went in the house --- the bitten lady was his wife! The ambulance took the wife to the Trauma Center at Flagstaff Medical Center. We put the two dogs in the back seat and headed to Canyon Pet Hospital in Flagstaff.
Kelsey --- with her injuries --- was taken into the pet hospital immediately. We noticed that Jamie was limping, so we wanted to have him checked out as well. For an extra $20, we were able to drop Jamie off. Tom and I then headed over to the Flagstaff Medical Center Emergency Room. I needed to be seen for the puncture wounds on my left leg.
The ER staff cleaned up my wound and wrapped my leg with a bandage. I was given a tetanus shot, an antibiotic, and I was sent on my way.
Canyon Pet Hospital contacted me. Kelsey had emergency surgery. Jamie had a broken bone in his left foot. Tom and I picked them up at about 4:00 p.m. We went home with a lot of medicine for the dogs --- pain medication, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medicine.
Kelsey was wrapped in a Canyon Pet Hospital tee shirt. She will have a draining tube for several days.
Jamie is in a splint for four weeks and he has a cone.
At least there was a colorful sunset on this 4th of July!
On Monday July 5, I found some waffles that we did not eat at a motel breakfast. They were in the freezer. I also had some leftover chicken. So, I made a "waffles and chicken" breakfast. Just add a little maple syrup!
After breakfast, the owner of the pit bull dropped by to check on us. Matt Mittendorf is the 44 year old owner of the pit bull. He is the grandson of the cabin owner. His wife, Laura, had 37 stitches from the incident.
In the afternoon, neighbor Gus Beatty dropped by. Tom's son Jon also dropped by.
Later in the afternoon, Tom and I went to the neighborhood block party.
I took some photos of many of the attendees.

On Tuesday, I took a walk around Cataract Lake.
Over the 4th of July weekend, Donna and David went camping in their Airstream trailer to Yellowstone. It is fun seeing how much they are enjoying this new activity.
Part of my regiment is to change my leg bandage daily. Don't you love the assortment of bandages!
On Wednesday, I drove Kelsey to Flagstaff. It was time to have her drainage tube taken out. I also picked up my new sunglasses.
Thursday afternoon, I walked in the neighborhood and captured a very nice photo of clouds.
On Friday, Kelsey was acting like old herself --- enjoying the sun by the RV barn. It was fun to see.
Some of my backyard flowers have started to bloom. It is always nice to have color.
In the afternoon, Jamie and Kelsey came outside to sit with us in the backyard.
July 9 is my grandniece Sophie's first birthday. She is one year old today! Happy birthday, Sophie!
On Saturday, I found a certificate for the Jack Daniel Distillery. It was still in my father's name. I know that this certificate can be transferred to others. My brother Peter is interested. The certificate is a clever marketing program --- becoming a Tennessee Squire with ownership of a one inch plot of land.
Later in the afternoon, I noticed that Kelsey's stitches were coming out. I called the Canyon Pet Hospital. They said that I should bring her into Urgent Care. Since Jamie needed his bandages changed the next morning, Tom and I brought them both. We held our breath with the Flagstaff bridge repair at Exit 191. Often the traffic gets backed up something ferocious. There was a mild delay, so we arrived at Canyon Pet Hospital at about 6:15 p.m.
The nurse took Kelsey in first, as her injury was very infected.
Tom and I had no idea that Kelsey had an infection. The doctor said that an infection causes strain on the stitches and they release. Unfortunately, they will need to clean out the wound and restitch her up. This means an overnight stay. So, Jamie received a new bandage and he came home with us. 
Sunday morning, I called Canyon Pet Hospital. Kelsey's procedure went well. We are able to pick up after 9:00 a.m. Tom and I left for Flagstaff at about 7:30 a.m. We decided to have breakfast at Little America's Silver Pine Restaurant. It was a nice setting and the food was good.
July is monsoon season. We really need the water. On Monday, July 12, the clouds opened up and it poured!
Tuesday morning, we had pickleball play in the barn. I then joined the Highland Meadows ladies for lunch at El Comedor Cardenas. The restaurant location originally was a Denney's Restaurant and then Kick's on Route 66. We had a nice visit!
I noticed on Instagram that Donna and David had another RV adventure to Beaver View Campground. Even granddaughter Emily and grand-dog Doug joined in the fun.
On Wednesday July 14, a group of us played pickleball on the tennis courts. Three people from Bullhead City joined us --- Jack, Linda Davison, and Ernie. Jack and Linda played with us last year too.
In the afternoon, Jesse from Atomic Pest Control did his spraying job inside and outside the house.
Later, the clouds opened up and we had more monsoon rain.
I received a text from United Airlines. My flight tomorrow from Flagstaff to Milwaukee via Denver was delayed several hours. So, I had to be re-booked on an earlier flight --- leaving Flagstaff at 6:00 a.m. Wow! That is early!

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Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...