Thursday, March 9, 2023

Wednesday, March 1 through Thursday, March 16, 2023: Enjoying New Trailer, Warmer Weather, Tom's Birthday, and Visit to Williams

Wednesday was a cloudy day. I worked with my insurance agent to get insurance coverage for the new trailer. I took several exterior photos.

The next day was a sunny day. Why not some more photos? And some interior photos, too?

On Saturday, Tom and I had breakfast at the nearby Cracker Barrel Restaurant.
While in the restaurant, I noticed that there was a nearby cache. In the afternoon, I road my e-bike to grab the cache. I then went to another geocache sight, but I drove the truck. It was a fun find "GCP2016: Harper Lee."
That evening, Tom and I had tickets to enjoy Thaddeus Rose music and dancing in the ballroom.
Monday brought a beautiful sunrise.
Later in the afternoon, Tom joined me for some geocaching. I found my 99th cache entitled "Home Sweet Home." It was a cute cache hanging in a tree. I am glad Tom was with me, as it was high up in the branches.
Then, Tom and I went to find cache #100. Tom found it immediately. It was magnetic and attached to a transformer with the title "The force is strong with this one."
Early Tuesday morning was a full moon. The worm moon.
My nephew Blake Carroll and his wife Nicole posted some photos of a Botswana safari that they participated in. They have no children, so they enjoy travel vacations.
Jamie is very comfortable in the new trailer. It has two love seats and two recliners.
During some nights and days, Jamie parks himself in my recliner. He can barely fit!
Wednesday evening we witnessed a beautiful sunset.
Thursday, March 9, was Tom's 76th birthday. His oldest son Josh called and wished him happy birthday. After I made pancakes for breakfast, I drove to a former neighbors park model. She has a Fire Stick plant and asked if I would like to take some of it for our Lot 924.

My friend Blanche from Indiana got a cutting several years ago from another neighbor. The plant thrives in Casa Grande --- doubles in size every year. So, Blanche got a hack saw and cut me a nice piece.
I brought it home.
Since we are leaving for five night in Williams on Saturday, I put the plant in a large bucket of water. I will plant it when we come back to Casa Grande on Thursday, March 16.

That evening, Tom, Jon, and I went to dinner at BeDillon's Restaurant & Cactus Garden. It was to celebrate Tom's birthday. This restaurant is rated #2 in TripAdvisor. The restaurant was in a neighborhood setting --- as it used to be a home.

The week prior, Casa Grande received a lot of rain on a Wednesday. There was an interesting phenomena. The 7th green of the golf course became its own lake.
Tom and I started to get ready for our drive to Williams and five nights there. We contacted several Highland Meadows neighbors to determine how much snow was on our driveway. We decided to contact a person who advertised snow removal on Facebook. Jose Hernandez and four of his associates charged $200 and did the job!
The drive back to Williams was easy and uneventful. We loaded the back of the truck with things taken out of the old trailer that were no longer needed. With all the snow received in Williams, the tunnel entrance to our neighborhood was severely flooded.
Our home was in good condition. We had not been there for over two months. That evening, we had a nice sunset.
Sunday morning, I walked around the golf course. Bill Williams Mountain was in his glory.
Before we left for Casa Grande in early January, I knew that the spa was leaking again. I filled the spa up with water. That Sunday afternoon, I checked the spa water level.
The spa was down about a foot. So, with Tom's help, I refilled it.

Monday, Tom and I had appointments in Flagstaff. So early morning, I walked up to the "North 40" area of Highland Meadows. There, I captured a beautiful sunrise.
On the way home, I walked by Cataract Lake. With all the snow this winter, the lake was full. Very nice!
Kelsey had a 9:10 a.m. acupuncture appointment with Dr. Sullivan at Canyon Pet Hospital.
Dr. Sullivan detected that Kelsey was very stiff. She recommended that when we go to in Casa Grande next winter --- that I find an animal acupuncturist for Kelsey. After Kelsey's appointment, Tom and I had 11:00 a.m. teeth cleaning services at Dr. Stark's Dental office. The Dental office has been rebranded and is now named Smiling Flagstaff.
Back in Williams, Kelsey and Jamie had nail clipping appointments with Elsa Marie.
Tuesday morning, I decided to go to the gym and workout. But, my truck would not start. There were no lights on the dashboard. I called Planet Dodge in Flagstaff. A fellow named Shawn talked me through some steps to take. Something similar to this occurred to a woman in Tuba City. My truck finally started. The "check engine" light was on. Shawn said that the truck should be okay, but that I should have a diagnostic review in the next week or so. Later in the afternoon, Kelsey and Jamie had appointments at Williams Veterinary Wellness with Dr. Ryan.
Kelsey needed her Rabies vaccine and Jamie needed some blood work for a dental appointment in April or early May.

Wednesday, Colleen Hatton came to service our house.
That afternoon, Tom had a hair cut appointment with Alie Rico. I had a pedicure and nail appointment with her as well! It is very convenient --- as her salon is adjacent to her home in Williams.

The weather forecast called for snow Wednesday evening. And yes, it snowed.

Fortunately, it was time for Tom and I to drive back to Casa Grande. Since this was going to be our last trip, I drove my truck and Tom drove his Subaru. We needed both vehicles in Casa Grande to close up the trailer for the season and to bring back clothing, food, and other items not recommended to leave in Casa Grande for the summer.

When I arrived in Casa Grande, I stopped by the Jerry Seiner Dodge Dealership. The service technician performed the diagnostic review on my truck. He said that my battery is not charging. He asked me to drop the truck off at 8:00 a.m. on Monday.

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