Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monday, September 30 through Monday, October 14: Routine, More Grand Canyon, Family and Friends

Monday was a perfect day for a 90 minute massage. Natanya and God's Gift of Healing Hands always hits the spot.
The rest of the day was uneventful. I was trying to wind down from the nine hour drive yesterday.

Tom and I did play pickleball Tuesday morning. Since we had visitors for over a week, it was the first time playing for awhile.
Later that afternoon, we went to the former Williams Skate Park. The city's Parks & Recreations department was helping us find a permanent place to play pickleball.
Our friend Kerry-Lynn and Tom measured the facility. Each was working on a floor plan to house three pickleball courts. It would be tough. The width of the building was ten feet too small. Too be continued...

Wednesday was a trip to Flagstaff. We stopped by the Aquaplex, to measure their pickleball courts.
Tom dropped me off at the optician, and he headed to his doctor's appointment. I needed to have my new progressive dark glasses adjusted.
Tom's cardiologist wants to add some oxygen to his bi-pap machine. So, we stopped by an office to pick up this machine.
On Thursday, after pickleball, I decided to take Kelsey and Jamie to nearby Kaibab Lake. My goal was to hike around the lake. But, by the time we got halfway, I could tell that the dogs were ready to go back to the truck. It was a little too hot for them.
The campground part of Kaibab Lake was closed for the season. That is what happens when we enter the month of October.

Tom was recently reminded that we need to get our annual flu shot. So, we dutifully went to Safeway and we were vaccinated.
At the November Young Life Dinner last year, I bid on the Grand Canyon Railway train trip from Williams to the Grand Canyon and back. I selected a Saturday when the steam engine train was running. So, October 5th was our day. I also upgraded the tickets to one of the Luxury Parlor Class cars. That morning, I dropped the dogs off at the Grand Canyon Railway Kennel.
I love the steam engines. When I worked at the South Rim, they pulled the trains daily.
Now, it is less than ten days a year. We boarded the Santa Fe Luxury car at 9:15 a.m. It was the civilized way to travel. Intimate and special!
On the way up to the canyon, we walked through one car to reach the Chief Parlor car. It is at the end of the train.
The 2 1/2 hours went quickly. We were very surprised. The train pulls up to the Grand Canyon Train Station.
When we got to the canyon, we walked to the Hermit's Rest shuttle and took it out to Powell Point. We decided that it would be nice to walk the two miles --- along the rim --- back to the village.
We were hungry when we got back to the village. I suggested that we have lunch a the Arizona Room (now known as the Arizona Steakhouse), adjacent to Bright Angel Lodge. It has nice views of the canyon. The food was good too!
After lunch, it was time to head back to the train. It pulls out at 3:30 pm. Tom insisted on a photo of me by the steam engine. I love that engine!
Our return luxury parlor car was the Chief. Mark was our host. We enjoyed a champagne toast to our country, to those who have served, and to life!
There were also singing cowboys.
And, some cowboy outlaws got on the train --- before being caught by the sheriff. It was a very fun day!

Sunday was perfect for playing pickleball outdoors.
There were just eight of us, so two courts were going for several hours.

Monday morning, Tom and I drove up to the South Rim. Granddaughters Meghan and Emily were completing the Rim-to-Rim hike. They left the North Rim Sunday morning and spent the night at Phantom Ranch. Donna and David started down the Bright Angel Trail about 20 minutes before we did. Like clockwork, the girls were near the top at about 11:30 am.
Wow! What a great job they did!
David treated us all to lunch at the El Tovar. The girls used the El Tovar bathroom to change clothes and freshen up. Lunch was fun. What a great get together!
The Bernsteins were heading back to Utah that afternoon. They were going to spend the night in Cedar City. So, we bid farewell at about 2:00 pm.

Progress is being made on the "Bob the Builders" home. Neighbor Connie said that it is going to be a one story, 1800 square foot home. Apparently, he wants a long-term renter when it is completed. So, I gave him Roy Henderson's contact information.
High school classmate, Craig Coulombe, and his wife, Mary, were in the area for several days. Mary is on the advisory board of Northern Arizona University's Forestry Department. There is a three-day conference that she is attending. I made arrangements with Craig to meet in Williams on Wednesday. They came to our home and I took them to Bearizona.
We took the Wild Ride Bus through the drive-thru part of the park. The Rocky Mountain sheep were active in their enclosure.
Tom met us at Red Raven Restaurant for a nice lunch.
We had a very nice visit. I'll see Craig next year at our 50th high school reunion.

The mattress I bought on-line through puffy.com is not working out. Tom has been waking up mornings with sore shoulders and a sore back. Puffy.com has a 101 day trail period. Their guarantee is that if a buyer is not happy with the mattress, the full price is refunded. Instead of returning the mattress, puffy.com donates the item to charitable organizations. Unfortunately, there is no market for mattresses in our area. So, we were told to list it on Craigslist and give it away for free.
Within 24 hours after posting the free mattress, a Navajo couple from Gray Mountain came to take the mattress.
While in Flagstaff earlier in the week, Tom and I went to Mattress Firm, a retail mattress shop. While there, we found a great mattress and adjustable frame option.
The adjustable frame was not in stock, so the mattress and frame will be delivered on Saturday, October 26. I will be in Australia, but Tom will take delivery. Can't wait!

On Saturday, we met Stephanie and Joe Hap for lunch at LuLu Belle's BBQ in Ash Fork. It was only a 20 minute drive for us, but almost an hour for the Haps. Three of us had brisket and Stephanie had pulled pork.
After lunch, I suggested that we take Devil Dog Road home. It was an hour detour, but I have never taken that road around Bill Williams Mountain. For years, I had heard about Historic Hat Ranch. It is used for retreats and special events. The gate was open and we took a drive through the property.
At about mile 15, we happened upon two or three hundred sheep drinking at Dutch Kid Tank. It was amazing!
 This herd of sheep were being managed by one dog. No humans.
You know that it is fall. The Aspens on Bill Williams Mountain are turning. I walked the dogs to Cataract Lake and took a photo.
The rest of the day, I packed for Australia. I was leaving the next day for Los Angeles --- after dropping off the dogs at Cinder Hills Kennel.

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Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...