Monday, September 23, 2019

Sunday, September 15 through Sunday, September 29: Bye-bye Sweet Libby, Visiting Friends, Heber City Wedding

While I was in Austin, I got a call from Debbie Funderburg, the manager of the kennel where Libby and Jamie were staying. Libby had collapsed Friday morning and her two back legs seemed paralyzed. I notified Tom and he went to the kennel. It was not good. I asked Tom to take Libby to Canyon Pet Hospital in Flagstaff. She was there under observation for two nights. The vet suggested that I take Libby to a specialist in Scottsdale. Since I had an early flight into Phoenix, Tom picked up Libby in Flagstaff and drove her to meet me at the Pet Medical & Surgical Center. The doctor we met there evaluated Libby.
He said that even if they were able to operate on her, she had less than a 5% chance of ever walking again. Tom and I had to make the difficult "quality of life" decision.

My dear sweet Libby crossed over Rainbow Bridge within the hour.
Never would I have ever imagined losing two of my fur babies within 4 1/2 months of each other.

Since I was in Austin, I had not played pickleball for about a week. It was nice getting back into the sport Monday night.
The next morning, Tom and I played pickleball again at 10:00 a.m. Since it was Tuesday, I had lunch with the Highland Meadows ladies, this time at Red Raven.
For a second month in a row, my hair color turned purple! I texted my hair stylist Shawna with a photo. She was so embarrassed!
I had an appointment at Wildflower Salon on Wednesday.  It was a perfect time to move my hair back to a better color --- dark brown with a hint of plum. The results of that color to be continued...

Thursday afternoon, I had Tom drop Jamie, Kelsey, and me off at the dry Holden Lake in the nearby Kaibab National Forest.
It is a two mile walk back to our home.

My girlfriend, Debra Lepold, sent me an e-mail. She told me that now that she was retired, she was moving from Redwood City, California, to Colorado Springs. Debra was making her drive to Colorado with her two English Labrador Retrievers ---- and was taking the Interstate 40 route. I told her that she was welcome to stay at my home in Williams. Debra, Chance, and Foxy arrived around 5:30 p.m. on Friday.
That evening, Tom served up beer bratwursts, cole slaw, and potato salad.

Saturday was the bi-annual Williams Community Clean-up, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Debra was very kind to join me and my girlfriend Jan for this event.
After several hours, we were successful picking up six large bags of trash --- on Country Club Drive and east Route 66. We went back to the Visitor Center and enjoyed barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs.
Before Debra and I headed to Bearizona, Jan snapped a photo of us in town.
Debra and I have known each other for over 24 years. We used to work together at Union Bank.

Later in the afternoon, some friends of Tom's arrived in their 32 foot custom motor home. We knew that Laurie and Tom Plachinski were coming to stay at our home in Williams for four to five days. Laurie and Tom have been touring the western states for three months. They began the trek at their home near Knoxville, Tennessee.
That night, we had pulled port sandwiches, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. This was the last night that my two Dalmatians would have the company of Debra's two Labs.
Debra and her pups headed out Sunday morning at about 10:00 a.m. They were spending the night in Santa Fe before their final Colorado Springs destination. Debra did stop on The Corner in Winslow, Arizona.
Tom and I wanted to show Laurie and Tom Plachinski our local Bearizona. So, we arrived at the wildlife park in time for the 1:00 p.m. Raptor Show. Instead of taking the Wild Ride bus tour, Tom drove my truck through the drive-thru part. We then walked through Fort Bearizona and other areas.
That night for dinner, Tom and Laurie bought us dinner at the Red Raven. I had mussels and the others had salmon. All was delicious!

Monday was a rainy day in Williams. So, we all stayed home and played "catch-up." I worked on my family blog and Tom Plachinski caught up with Instagram postings. The Plachinski motor home was happily positioned in our back yard --- with full hook-up.
That afternoon, I noticed tractor activity on the vacant lot behind Connie and Jay's home. I called Jay. Neighbors Connie and Jay sold their lot to a contractor, Bob Burlington. He is going to build a home there.
I don't think the new home will impact our backyard views of the golf course and mountains.

It rained most of Monday. So, we postponed going to the Grand Canyon until Tuesday. Tom O'Dell drove his truck. He took us a back route to Grand View Point. On the way, we stopped at an abandoned fire tower on the Arizona Trail.
The two Toms and I walked all the way to the top. There were some great views!
I had never been to this area of the park. It was fun recalling that Tom's son Jon hiked here two years ago --- on the Arizona Trail.
One of our missions that day was to hike to Shoshone Point. It is a little known point with majestic views. I was last there ten years ago!
It is only a two mile round trip hike, but only a handful of people were there.
When we got home, a package was on my doorstep. I opened the package and it was sweet Libby's ashes.
I was going to continue spreading Ramsey's ashes, and now I can also include Libby's ashes.

Wednesday, I had an appointment at Planet Dodge in Flagstaff to have my truck's oil changed and tires rotated. It is amazing that I already have 15,000 miles on the odometer! After that appointment, I drove ten minutes up Highway 89 to High Country Humane Society. I made a donation of some of Libby's unopened dog food.
That evening, the two Toms barbecued two t-bone steaks for dinner. Tom and I like our steak "mooing red," but Tom and Laurie are more "medium" fans.
Thursday morning, I made a frittata for breakfast, and we invited Tom and Laurie to join us. After breakfast, I was leaving for Utah. Joe and Stephanie Hap's son was getting married in Heber City on Saturday. I had never met their son Joseph. I broke up the Heber City drive and stayed two-thirds of the way in Beaver, Utah. That night, I had a hamburger from Dairy Queen for dinner. For fast food, it was very good!
The next morning, I had breakfast at the motel and drove the additional 2 1/2 hours. I was a little early for check-in at the motel, so I went to the nearby town of Midway and bought some cheese and crackers for a late lunch.
That evening, I was invited to the Hap/Strong Rehearsal dinner. The weekend wedding venue was Cobble Creek Ranch. The rehearsal dinner was at the same venue. It was fun meeting the bride and groom --- Andrea and Joseph.
Of course, seeing the groom's parents was also a delight.
The last time I was in Heber City was two years ago --- almost to the day. Tom, Ramsey, Libby, Kelsey and I camped at Jordanelle State Park for four nights. I had Ramsey's and Libby's ashes with me. So, I drove to the state park and scattered some ashes there.
It was kind of a rainy day, but I also walked to the RV site we had two years ago and took a picture from the knoll above.
An hour or so later, I met daughter Donna and granddaughter Emily at the Back 40 Ranch House Grill Restaurant. The Bernstein home in Park City is only 20 minutes away. Emily just returned from a trip to Green Bay, Wisconsin. She has been a Packers fan for many years. Her dad had business there, and Emily and David went to the Thursday night home game. Unfortunately, the Packers lost to the Philadelphia Eagles.
The Hap/Strong wedding was at 4:00 pm. The day continued to have rain showers. The ceremony was in the main house.
The reception was in a tent.

Through good fortune, the rain did not impact the event.
Stephanie and Joe, as the parents of the groom, said a few words.
There was dancing and then the cutting of the cake.
It was a fun wedding celebration. Congratulations to Andrea and Joseph!

The next morning, I got an early start for driving home. I decided to make it in one trip --- over nine hours. I drove through some scenic Mormon towns.
I was pulled over for speeding at one point. I was in the countryside near Salina City, and I had no idea I was driving too fast. Fortunately, the officer only issued me a warning!
Outside of Panguitch, I even had to stop for some cattle crossing the highway..
I arrived home around 5:00 pm. It was very nice being greeted by Tom, Kelsey, and Jamie.

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Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 30, 2024: Alaska Bound, Geocaching, Appointments in Flagstaff,

Donna and David and their dog Doug are on their way to Alaska. They started the trek on the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia...